Chapter 5

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Ally Past:

The dresses and tuxs show up a few hours after the reveal of my....condition? Surprise? The big news?

Which ever way you want to say it, everyone knows. Logan hovers close to me, finds any excuse to touch me or talk to me.

He's bad enough on a good day. This is just freaking exesive! Logan moves close to me in our closet, like he's going to touch my shoulder. Picking up a steledo heel, I spin fast on him, the heal presses against his chest. "No more finding excuses to touch me, its getting annoying."

"I can't help it, that I love being close to you." His smile lazy and there a twinkle in his eye that I don't like.

I can see the wheels in his head moving. He's planning something. "I've never killed someone with high heals, but I'm guessing it wouldn't be hard to figure out. No closer then my arm spand." I warn.

He leans in closer, the heel digging into his chest. He whispers softly, as if someone will hear his words-even though we have our own wing and the only way to enter is threw a code. "What if I want to kiss you? Push you against the racks of clothes, kiss you so hard you can't breath?"

My stomach does a flip, the image burning in my head. Meantly shaking myself, I frown at him. "Arm span or I'm using this heel on you."

He eases back, that spark in his eye like he's up to something. That look makes my skin crawl in almost exited way. "To night at the party, I'll keep my hands respectable where they are supposed to be." He picks out a tie, walks over to me. The tie a dark red, a tie I think I got him. He loops it over me where it rest on my hips and pulls me in against him. His lips brush against my ear, making me shiver. "But tonight." He yanks on the tie pulling me flush against him and it doesn't pass my notice, his mibber is hard behind his pants. "I'm using this tie on you and make love with you." He nips at my ear, pulls away and has he leaves me hot and bothered, snaps that tie at me, with that wicked gleem in his eye's.

Ally Present:

I lay on a hospital bed, strapped down. The room smells like a medical room would smell like. But it some how. The woman that been pulling my mind strings hovers close to me, smiling like a cat messing with a mouse that she plans to eat.

"Have you been having a nice dream? I hope you don't mind that I pulled you out soon. But I need you more awake for this."

" you...need me...awake?" my throat feels dried.

She smiles wickedly at me, turning a TV to me showing crappy video of Daves walking around looking lost. But I know him to know what's he's really doing. He's looking for all the exits and guards. He probably knows where the camras are at already and is now just messing with these people.

"I want you to tell me who this strapping young man is. I know he isn't Logan. I doubt he's Leo or Xaveir. So is he Daves or someone I don't know?"

Clearing my throat, I grip at the bed. My arms are strapped so I can't move them well, but I can move my legs and my toes. Well at least I can use something that can grab things. Little known fact, I can use my toes to pick stuff up with. The guys think it's weird and call my toes, monkey toes. Well look who's laughing now! "Does it matter? He'll die trying to save me."

The doctor leans back and taps her finger on her bottom lip. "I wonder if your dad will let me keep him and play with him. Do you think if I asked nicely he would let me?" She actually looks at me, like I know the monster mind.

"Don't know. Don't care." I promise you Daves, if you get killed, I'm going to bring you back myself and kill you.

The doctor looks down at me and smiles wickedly. She then walks over to me, leans in close to my face and whispers. "That big act might fuel people. But remember this, I know how to kill your baby and still keep you alive. The sorrow might even kill you." She grabs my hair and yanks hard. "So tell me, who is the man!"

Wincing in pain from the sudden pain. I don't open my mouth, I just look her dead in the eye.

She yanks one more time and then walks away to where her medical equipment is that can make me go back to sleep and pull my strings like a puppet.

She grabs what she wants, and comes back to me, with the syringe. She looks down at me, like I'm a bug that she wants to cut up and find out what all inside of it's body. "Last chance, tell me who he is or I'll pull it out of your head by force."

Glancing at the TV, Daves is looking dead in the camera. There no volume, but that doesn't stop me from reading his lips. "I'm coming, the others are behind me. Logan been taken to, he's in another room some where. Wait just a little longer."  He mouths and then goes out of focuses.

Looking back at the woman, she holds the kneeled to the ivy. "Five, four, three, two-"

"He's a moron, play boy who has issues of not understanding, not everyone likes his jokes." If I wanted to, I could go on. But there no point, she got some information out of me. But not really what she wanted.

She smiles, lets go of my hair and pats me on the side of the face, like I'm a child. "That's a good girl. Now tell me, what's his name."

"Daves is his name."

"Thats what I thought. He does look like your dad. Ever notice that?" She pulls away and goes to the TV.

I've compared Daves face and build, with the old man's and I'll agree of the similarities are there. If he is my brother, why not say anything? Why wouldn't Logan tell me, that moron knows everything on people. "So what's your grand plan now or is it the old man task to take care of Daves?"

She smiles like a cat at me. "Your dad catches my test subjects and I get to play with them as I want." She glances at the TV. "But with this one, I'm not sure what he'll allow. He won't even let me play with your Logan as I want." She looks back at me, holding the syringe up in the air. "Not like you."

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