5.. 😑😓🤮

250 19 63

Do I post to much?


In class I sit bored doodling on my notes. Sometimes I feel too smart, I know everything In this stupid class. Not to mention the teacher, the four days and I already hate him so much.

It's not his appearance- well.. A little bit of it is. However, its mainly because he looks at his students creepily and is obviously a pervert. Hubert smalls is not small, well I bet his dick is.

I look forward to see the creep but don't see him. Then my notebook is taken from my desk and I look at the person. I almost throw up when I see the teacher.

"Cut me deep but I wont bleed?" He says in a slow gross voice. Why the fuck does he think he can just read out my shit?

"Sir.. give me back my notebook.." I say cringing at how respectful I sound. He puts it back on my desk and touches my sleeve.

"This its cute," he says and I cover my stomach. I'm never wearing a crop top in this class again. He opens his mouth to say something but someone stops him.

"Oi, stop messing with the pretty people and teach us some shit," Oli says and I feel relieved when the attention is off me.

He starts teaching and I send Oli a thankful smile. Me and Oli have this class together. Me and Oli talk a little but its never about anything important. But I now understand he's the type to not really care about things and he goes out daily to go practice with his band.

So I don't see him much because I'm also gone all the time. Vic and me hang out and talk about everything for hours and hours. Sometimes I fall asleep there and don't come to my dorm until late at night.

I start drawing on my thigh in between the holes and ignore everything around me. This is my last class of the day and I'm so ready for it to end.

When he dismisses us I'm the first to leave. I have a feeling that if I was left alone with this creep something would happen.. "Hey kells, wait up," Oli says making me stop and wait for him. This is new, he never walks with me or talks to me unless we are both in our room.

When he catches up I start walking again and we walk together towards our dorm. "I think you should stay away from our teacher. He seems bad," he says and I giggle.

I look at him with a soft smile. "I'm so hot everyone looks at me like that, it's not new," I tell him lightly. Smalls might be creepy but so many people look at me like how does I'm hardly fazed.

"I'm a good judge of character, you should seriously stay away from him," he says seeing I'm not taking him seriously.

"Oh really? What do you think of me?" I ask now playing with my hair as I chew on my bubble gum. I'm always chewing on gum. It keeps me from fidgeting around.

"You're hot and you know it. You are sassy, happy, naive, kinda an airhead, and you get around a lot. Very confident in yourself," he says and I nod a little.

That's good he thinks that. That's what I would like to him to believe. Well most of it. "Why do you thing I get around a lot?" I ask and look at him in what Vic calls my 'innocent face'.

"I didn't mean it in a bad way. But usually when a confident attractive person goes out and stays out until 3 in the morning usually means they are having sex or doing drugs. You don't seem like the type to do drugs," he says and I nod.

I'm with vic those nights. We are definitely not fucking.. "hmm, it seems that way," I agree with his statement. Not confirming it.

Alan sees me as we walk into the lobby of our dorm. "Kellin's with another guy," he tells his friend.

"Oh shut up, you're just mad Austin still like me," I sneer back and he looks at me with a flash of hurt before he starts coming over mad.

"Take that back you fucking crossdressing bitch," he says bowing up at me.

"Honey, you'll have to fucking make me," I say and he tackles me to the ground. He punches me in the mouth and I force him to the side and get on top of him and punch him in the face.

I'm ripped from Alan and pushed into Oliver's chest. He catches me and I look over at Austin who is now helping is bloody boyfriend up.

Austin looks at me seeming pissed off. "Fuck, kells.. I thought you were better than this," Austin says and I touch my bottom lip. So much blood.

"Hey, let's go fix this," Oli says touching my cheek as he looks at my split lip. He takes my hand and leads me to our room.

"I'm ruining my shirt," I whine looking at my bloody shirt.

"That's the boy who apologized, why did you get into a fight with him?" He asks and starts getting a rag wet. He then starts wiping the blood from my chin.

"He's my ex's boyfriend," I say and he wipes my neck. "He's just jealous that his boyfriend still loves me. So he dumps food, water, and random shit on me. He's just fuckin' annoying," I tell Oli and he cleans my blood from my collarbones.

I take off my shirt and he starts cleaning my lip. He looks so sweet and caring as he does this. "Do you still love him?" He asks grabbing my hands and cleaning my knuckles.

Do I?

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