Chp 11

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Asta stood there looking straightforward gripping onto the railing that was placed in front of him almost breaking from the strength he was releasing out pure anger.

" Asta...?" Mimosa quiestioned him with zora behind thinking the same think as he just stood there motionless for a second until a large gust of wind came from asta. they and everyone one around them covered their eyes from the dust and wind that was picked up. Before they knew it, asta was gone and the next thing you knew asta landed right infront of langris as he punched him sending him far back stopping him from releasing his second attack to finral while everyone watched in amazement of his brute strength while others questioned his actions.

What is this idiot doing!? Yuno and klaus thought while yuno prepared his grimoire and klaus darted his gaze towards the wizard King Julius who just watched with a neutral and questionable expression painted on his face while the King was questioning him and making fun of him.

Asta stood motionless in his place as his squad barely came down from the waiting area checking on finerals condition while the other stood by looking at asta as black mass started to flow out from his body and his grimoire glowing red. Langris got up looking at asta with angry then quickly changing to fear in his eye from the sight of this beast like peasant standing before him. The mass gradually started to grow larger while black streaks started to form on asta all while the clouds started to darken more and red lightning started to spark through out the sky while asta finally had spoken up in a darker tone.

" don't touch him...!" He said looking at langris with pure blood red eyes before red lightning struck him as a pure black ball formed around him creating a crate underneath as the air grew cold and thin within the arena.

Everyone was intimidated from the dark aura coming off from the ball that made everyone stopped to see what else was to come while langris stood timid aswell but also shook in terror from the shadow of a demon like figure inside the ball and pure red glowing eyes coming through the ball that made him stamper back in horror as he too felt the dark aura but also a demonic presence different from asta's within the ball that made him fear for his life.

Soon the ball vanished leaving a unrecognizable figure that was only covered in the black mass with only four distinguishing features, pure black horn, razor sharp claws, devil like wings, and blood red eyes, everyone was afraid to move from the sight of the demon thinking with one slight move it might notice them too. But to noelle, she was able to see through the mass making out the figure to see that it was just like before, how asta looked just the same aswell with the horns and everything except that it looked a little bit darker than usual and his features showed him to look more like a demon then asta usual black form.

Asta stood for a second before summoning his grimoire pulling out his large black sword slowly walking to langris who was at this point on the floor. Langris tried to crawl away but was only met with a large sword thrown at him landing infront of him before looking up meeting asta right above him slamming him to the ground making a crater and causing him to spit out blood. He lad there for a second before sharp pain raisedup through his spin and was grabbed by his cloak being slammed to the ground again before being picked up again and thrown to a nearby wall from a old fallen building that was part of the battle fields.
Langris used his strength to stand up and trying to use a attack spell against him to by him Time to escape, keyword tried, But asta just picked up his sword slashing through the the spell disintegrating it and continued to beat langris up with only his fist/claws.

This continued on as asta had kept beating langris and langris tried to escape or fight back but ended up failing in the end. Noelle took this opportunity to get finral, along with the help of Vanessa, to safety tending to his wounds as healing mages came by to help him aswell.
Soon enough asta ended up slashing langris in the stomach, after an attempt to attack him, then kicked him away making him more damaged then he was. Langris stayed on the ground before trying to crawl away while holding on to his open wound trying to some what stop the bleeding, Asta stood watching his attempt before slowly walking towards him grabbing him by his collar then bringing his sword up in the air. Langris was terrified at this point as he stared into the demons eyes then looking at the sword in the air as it started coming down making him close his eyes before he was dropped to the ground with a small explosive sound infront of him. He opened his eyes and saw the demon fly back stabbing its sword to the ground then landing on its knees holding its head from the attack, langris was relieved as healing mages put him down on a stretcher carrying him away to the waiting area.

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