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" if I'm gonna die... I'll just have to bring everyone with me!"

The shadow palace was collapsing from the inside as everyone inside were making there way out. Zagred was releasing a ton of sinister mana out as he was planning on releasing it in one go taking out the entire building before he completely disappears.

" die!" Zagred yelled before asta had appeared infront of him pushing him into one of the walls surprising everyone as he held him down.
" get off of me!!!" Zagred yelled releasing more mana as asta used his anti magic to surppress it a little to by time.

" go! I'll by you sometime!" Asta yelled to group as Zagred kept moving underneath him.

" no we aren't leaving you here!" Noelle rebuttals as asta was having a hard time holding Zagred down.

" you have too, there's no other way for you all to get out of here alive if I don't hold him here. Get outta here! Go!" Asta said as noelle tried to rebuttal only for licht to put a hand on her.

" he's right, any more time here then we'll all be stuck here with no way out," lumiere said as nero finished fixing him.

"we have to go now," Yuno said as he made his wind ark as everyone went on.

" I'll be out there once everyone's out! I promise!" Asta said as noelle finally got on the ark as they all flew away to the exit.

" once they all leave you'll just be stuck here!" Zagred said as he started thrashing at asta but only for him to hold him down more as many others were escaping aswell.

" I know, but if I have to keep you here to insure the safety of everyone then that's fine," Zagred soon started to decay little by little. " because like you said...," asta moved closer to the demons face. " I'll take you down with me,"
Soon everyone was out the palace as the exit slowly started to close as asta took notice but stayed where he was.

" then... I'll just have to make your death quick!" Zagred said as he was self destructing himself as the exit started to get smaller as asta started watching it close ignoring Zagred as he released all his mana out before he completely disappeared.
" die!!"

At the same time every one was outside the palace as some groups were guided by other elves to the exit or some followed the magic signature of their comrades .

" we caught these two lurking the palace then the other two hiding," mereoleona told the other captains present as Gueldre and revichi were tied up to eachother next to Valtos and Rades who weren't. Everyone was sitting down regaining their energy or healing up while Noelle stood up looking as the entrance.

"Come on... asta," she said holding her chest as the entrance slowly got smaller and smaller.

" he coming, I know he is," mimosa said as she went up to her reassuring her.

But soon the magic coming from the entrance was getting stronger before the purple light started to get brighter as if it were going to explode any minute.

" everyone! Get down!" Yami yelled as a large explosion occurred as everyone took cover or created their own. Noelle casted her sea dragons lair protecting her and mimosa as debris came to the large group before smoke finally appeared as they all canceled their defensive spells.

" no..." she mumbled as she ran off looking around for asta. " asta! Asta!!" As called for him and soon everyone else did. It seemed like the world stood still for her as there seemed to be no trace of him in the rubble, noelle couldn't face the fact that he's gone.

" Noelle...," Vanessa said as she walked over to her along with the other black bull members while noelle stood still.

" he said he would get out of there... he promised," Noelle said as tear came down her face uncontrollable as the black bulls came to comfort her along with her other friends/comrades nearby.

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