Chapter Sixteen~ (Last Chapter for Part One)

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Fun's P.O.V.~

After Jet and the guys left, I laid staring at my ceiling throwing my paper ball up in the air and catching it. Guilt rising in my stomach and I felt scared, alone.

"You know you should have gone, because that was her most prized, most treasured accessory in the world and she lost it." I heard a British voice say behind me.

Quickly I sat up and turned around "I thought you were sleep?"

She smiled at me, siting up putting her feet on the floor and said "Oh dear, I can hear in my sleep, you know that right. I'm a VERY light sleeper dear!"

I looked at her and said "OH NO!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING, WHERE ARE YOU GOING!!!?"

She gave me a deep smile and whispered "What does it look like I'm doing, I'mma go save my father."
When she got up I saw her stumble. "Wow, It feels like I haven't used these things in a while haha" she said looking down at her legs.

"Lexi, of course you haven't used your legs, YOU FEEL OFF OF A FUCKING HELICOPTER... you're still not going ANYWHERE!"

I stood up and grabbed her arms "Bloody hell Fronk get off of me."

I laughed at her as I pushed her back down on my bed "You can't even pronounce my real name's FRANK...besides I rather you call me Fun Ghoul sounds so much cuter..."

She gave me an evil twisted laugh, and flipped me on the bed. She's now sitting on top of me, her hair falling in my face "Oh  dear, did you really think you could pin me hmm ha-ha you better think again. AND beside I like your name better"

She got off me and walked over to where her clothes were hanging, tucking them tightly in her arms.

"Nice meeting you dear, but now it's time for my departure. I hope you won't miss me to much because I probably won't miss you". She walked out of my room...well more like wobbled....Quickly I chased after her "Lexi, don't you dare leave!" I shouted to her as she stepped her foot outside, "Oh Fronk I have to, I'm so sorry...but you can always remember me...actually I doubt you will, I am but a distant memory. HA! Okay dear I have to leave now." I ran up to her grabbed her arm tightly and pulled her inside the house, closing the door and pushing her against the door. "FRONK!!! What part of I need to go do you not understand?" I ignored her question as I pressed against her harder and began kissing her neck. "Wh-what are you doing?" She said sounding confused, I stopped kissing her for a second and said "Giving you what you want Lexi..." her eyes were huge with confusion. "I-I don't know what you mean?" I pressed against her even harder "Yes you do, ever since I met you, you've been flaunting yourself. Playing with my emotion and mind, flirting with me one minute then trying to leave the next, and frankly I think I know why" I let go of her and paced around the room.

"Well..." I heard her nervously say.

"Well what? Hm"

"Well, you know what I how about you come and give it to me?"

I looked at her, approached her fiercely and kissed her hard sticking my tongue in her mouth and slowly caressing he hips. She wrapped her arms around me and kissed me back. I put my hands under her shirt and began rubbing her belly. Slowly moving to the edges of her shirt, just as I was about to remove it. We heard a loud crash come from my room. "Wh-what was that?" I said basically out of breath. She let go of me and started to walk back there "Let's go find out" she said. I followed her and smiled, the place where she kissed me on my lips, burned for more. When we got in the room we noticed about 10 dracs in there searching my stuff. "WHAT THE FUCK!!!" I yelled out loud before covering my mouth. The Dracs turned and looked at both me and Lexi, "Way to go Einstein" She said punching me in the chest. I grabbed her hand and directed her out of the house when the Dracs started to follow us. "Quick Fronk, where is your guns?" She said as we hit outside, I looked around and then pointed to the tool shed that we hid from the dracs. "This way" I said, pulling her over there. Now with about 40 dracs behind us we made it to the shed. "Aw fuck; I forgot Party has the fucking key." I said, while trying to play with the lock. "Dammit Fun!" she said turning around to the Dracs who again multiplied from 40 to 61. The dracs came closer, cornering me and Lexi. "Come on Fronk" Lexi said running up to Dracs kicking and punching them. I followed behind her, punching and flipping as many Dracs as I can. But it wasn't long before one of those bastard Dracs shoot my leg sending me to my knees. The Drac then grabbed my arms and pinned them on my back. "Fronk! FRONK!" I heard Lexi call out to me. I tried to locate her but the drac pushed my face in the dirty, planting his foot on my back and slipping an all-black sleeping mask on my face. "Fronk, help Help me please FRONK!!!" The last thing I heard. As my whole body blacked out...I couldn't move, I couldn't see, I couldn't talk, I was a shell of my former self.

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