Chapter Ten~

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Vintages P.O.V.

2 Weeks later:

It's been weeks since Lexi had her accident. Luckily for her she fell in a field full of tall grass and that the fall was only a good 40-50 feet. She is however in a minor coma, but is expected to pull through since every day since then she has made progress with movements on waking up. Everyone is depressed about her fall, but it was Fun who took it to heart the most. "I could have saved her; I could have stopped her form going up so high. Oh god why am I so stupid?" quoted Fun who for the past week, has been blame her actions on his self, as if he was the cause of her going up into that helicopter. Every day since the tragedy, Fun has been by her side. Watching for her to wake up and be alright, she has been sleeping in his bed while he slept on the floor. Fun is really a sweet heart for taking in and caring for this girl he hardly even knows too well.

Dealing with my own problems, I sat in a broken lawn chair in the front yard. My eyes wet with tears, Not for Lexi, But for reasons yet unknown. I looked up into the sky, watching the stars twinkle, reminding me of a simpler time. I heard the front door behind me swing open. "Vintage?" a voice full of concern but sternness said to me. I could tell that the voice was walking towards me, "vintage??" the voice said again but this time placing a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Party's beautiful face smiling at me. "Are you crying???" he asked as he grabbed the other lawn chair and pulling it close to mine. I looked away, and wiped away my tears. "No-No n-not at all..." I lied through my teeth. He grabbed my hand and said in a quiet soothing voice "Vintage, please talk to me. Tell me what’s up? I'm here for you and only you at the moment." I sighed and finally said "Tomorrow...W-will be...t-the da-day my little sister E-Esther passed away..." I choked up on my words a little more before saying "all I-I-I Hav-ve of her is t-the g-g-glass angel in my room...With her signature carved in it and Party...I-I Don't want to talk about this annnyyymmmooorrreee!!!" I finally broke down, falling from my chair and into his arms. He held me tightly as I cried into his jacket...I never cry in front of the guys before, but tonight I couldn't help it. He held me for what felt like hours, but merely only minutes. "I-I feel safe in your arms" I whispered to him. I could tell he started to smile when he placed his chin on my head. "It just feels right...” He whispered back to me. Another few minutes passed, I kissed his cheek lightly and said "Thank you Party, for being there for me." I saw his face light up; he smiled and said "I will always be here for you Vintage." I got up from his lap and then walked slowly to the door. I heard party mumble something that sounded like "I love you..." Ignoring it, I walked inside and went into my room.

"I think I love you too..."

The Only Hope for Me Is You -Part One- (MCR Killjoy Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now