Chapter Thirteen~

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Vintages P.O.V.

I lay on my bed with my eyes closed, I heard Jet talking to Kobra and Party. Then I hear him close the door and sitting on the edge of my bed. It was at first awkward and quiet. The only noise that could be heard was my quiet sobbing and Jet's smooth breathing. It took a while, but finally Jet looked down at me and said "Vintage...what’s going on?" I buried my face in my pillow and tried to ignore him. "Vi-...Catherine, please tell me what’s going on?" I sat up, wiping my tears quickly, "Jet you know I hate it when you call me by my real name." I said. “I had to get your attention somehow.” He said, placing a finger under my eye and wiping away a tear I missed.  I gave him a pitiful smile. “Now Catherine, tell me…what’s on your mind? I’m all ears…Beside I won’t stop calling you Catherine until you do.” He said, putting a hand on my knee and smiling.  I looked away shamefully and whispered “Why do you even care, after the way I treated you lately.” I could hear him clear his throat before saying, “I can’t be mad at you for something so silly…Beside that was weeks ago, let’s just move on.” I sighed, realizing he would never give up “Today is the…day my sister Esther died…from this disease…We both had the same disease, but I-I got better. And strong while she got weaker…and eventually sheee…died” I started crying hard again as a distant picture of her crossed my mind, I could feel Jet staring at me, he then grabbed my hands and whispered “Hey, don’t cry…She…She’s in a better place now Vin, don’t cry.” I pulled away from him and said, “That’s not all Jet! That angel Fun broke…that was all I had left of her, all I will ever have. We exchanged them when we were little, The one she has from me had my name carved in the bottom….and the one I had from her had Esther carved in it…But now…it’s gone…She’s gone, Jet she’s gone! She promised to always be there…with me, around me, near me. But she’s gone!! All I ever wanted for her is to wake up and smile the next morning healthy, all I ever wanted for her is to be happy.” Crying more than I have ever had around Jet, He pulled me into him, smashing me against his chest and petting my hair. “Vin, Esther is happy, She finally is away from her sickness that was eating her alive. Don’t cry like this because I’m pretty sure Esther wants you to be strong, so can you please be strong for me? For her?” He said. I nodded slowly as he let go of me. ”I have an idea, it’s a little sitcomy and corny but it might give you some feel of closure…How about we all get dressed up, take your broken angel and bury it up in the huge field up on the big hill that is ½ a mile away?” I looked at him and giggled “Really Jet...” He looked away and blushed a little, “Your right, it was a stupid thought anyway…” he said sounding super discomposed, I smiled again and whispered “No Jet sweetie, I didn’t mean it like that. Your idea is perfect and sweet, what I mean is you are really just too sweet. You don’t have to walk that far up there in a suit for me though…” He grabbed my hands and said “If it makes you happy, I’ll do anything for you” I smiled, and pulled him close for a hug and then I kissed his cheek. “Thank you for caring Jet it means a lot to me” I looked into his eyes and saw relief and safety, His eyes really did give me assurance and love. Although is too weird to explain, but when I’m with Jet, I’m happy. I know I said this before with Party, but now I realize that it’s not the same with him. With Party I can tell him things and he can try and make me feel better, but with Jet, it’s like magic. When I’m with him, his attempts to take me from my gloomy statues succeed and I’m here laughing and smiling like an idiot. I don’t know, maybe I’m more confused than I thought.

“At sunset?” He said, snapping me out of my thoughts. “At sunset” I said back blushing a little and pulling away from him.

The Only Hope for Me Is You -Part One- (MCR Killjoy Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now