Chapter Fourteen~

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Jet P.O.V.

I left Vintage alone in her room so she could have her on private memorial session. We both agreed that we would leave around 4:00pm, regarding that the guys were okay with it. I first went to go talk to Kobra and Party, who thought the idea was cute, and agreed to be there. But it wasn't them I would have a hard time convincing, it was Fun. Who would have been happy to join in, if Vintage didn't basically embarrassed him in front of all his friends. After her little spill today, I doubt he would even want to see her.

When I walked into his room, I saw him sitting on the edge of his bed facing Lexi. He was still shirtless and I could tell by the way Lexi's eyes traced his chest, she was enjoying it. They talked and talked on until Lexi noticed me standing at the door way "Why hello there, I apologize for not making an accurate introduction of myself...Hi, my name is Lexi. I am currently at a miniature outlaw level for my involuntary acts on society; my outlaw name is Shock Value. Now darling I would love to hear a tad bit of your introduction if you don't mind." I heard the beautiful British say to me, smiling. Fun turned towards me and snickered at my very confused face. "Uh...okay, I'm Jet, well I mean my name is Ray...but I rather be called by my outlaw name...which is Jet...obviously" She looked at me and smiled. I looked away and said "Well...this was nice, if you don't mind...I'm going to borrow Fun here...lets go Fun" I said awkwardly, grabbing his hand and pulling him in the hall.

"Jet, dude...Lexi is amazing...I mean after you get past the fact that she kicked Party in the face causing him to have a teeny weenie scar on his cheek. She is pretty awesome, and nice." Fun said to me as soon as when go in the hall. I smiled at him brightly and said "So, you kind of like her..." He gave me a questionable look that made the answer of my question obvious. "NO, I mean I just meet her...So of Couse I don't like her. Were barley even friends Psh more like associates -Cough cough- “I rolled my eyes. I known Fun for what one would say forever, I can easily tell if he was lying or not. Besides with this Lexi girl, it's kind of obvious since the time she fell from of the helicopter, he has been by her side daily. It would take the Jaws of Life to pry him away from her. I don't understand why he is so attracted to her yet try his hardest to deny it. It was pointless, I would talk to him about it, but that’s as pointless as dodging and imaginary bullet. He wouldn't listen to me; he never has so I just left the topic alone. "Fun, that’s great but I want to ask you a small little favor. Can you get all dressed up and come with Party, Vintage, Kobra, and I? We are going to bury Vintage's angel in the huge field that is 1/2 miles from here up on the big hill?" I watched his excited expression change gradually to disappointment and bitterness. "Does it really matter? It’s just a dumb glass angel; does she really need to bury it?" I gave him a look that would’ve shot Oprah with high amounts of negativity. "Fun, it's important to her because it was her sisters. So can you please just get dressed and follow us down there" He turned and peered inside his room at Lexi, who at the moment was laying down. "Brah that is so stupid...Beside I have to stay here with Lexi, she can't be here alone...AND YOU HEAR'D VIN!!! She doesn't want to see me anymore dude I don't want to go." he said sounding much dismantled. "Fun, that is fucking selfish of you. YOU'RE AVOIDING HER BECAUSE OF WHAT HAPPEND THIS FUCKING MORNING??? You know what, you better be out there today, not for Vin or me. But for you, I don't fuckin care how stupid it may seem. You BETTER be out there Fun." Pissed, I turned around from his face which now shows anger. And began walking away "See you at four man." I last said to him.

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