The Only Hope for Me Is You -Part One- (MCR Killjoy Fan Fiction)

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Jet Stars P.O.V.

Waking up in the morning has become difficult. Difficult because when you close your eyes at night, all you can think about is "Are you going to wake up in the morning." And when you open your eyes the next morning, the thought "Why did I Live to See another Day." sparks in your mind. I'm grateful to be alive, but...I'm confused on why.

I leave my room and slowly walked to the room where I heard my friends, Party Poison and Vintage talking. It makes me smile when I see them chatting and smiling even in our darkest of days. Especially Vintage, we met her when she was trying to fight her way through Drac's in Central Battery City. Hours after fighting by her side, Party invited her in our group. She's stronger than she looks, physically and emotionally. I grew quit fond of having her around, So fond that I might actually might be starting to fall for her.

Party and Vintage both looked at me as I walked in. "Am I disturbing anything" I asked as I sat in between them on the couch. Party rolled his eyes and said in a sarcastic tone "OH no no no not at ALL...come...sit" Vintage reached over towards him and punched his arm. I laughed and said "Haha GREAT..." I put my feet on the table in front of us and smiled. Party's kid brother, Kobra Kid soon walks in. Kobra outside of everyone else, takes the new adjustments in our lives more in a negative way. I mean what we’re going throught isn't exactly a walk in the park, but still. "Guys, are you busy?" Kobra said quietly to us. Party looked at Vintage and gave me an evil scowl. "No...not at all...anymore" he said. Vintage giggled and then said "Hee Hee whats up Kobra?" Kobra sighed "We have a call, a gang of Dracs heading to the mayor's office, BLI must be planning something." I jumped up and yelled "OOHH THANK GOD! I was getting bored." Vintage giggled and hugged my waist tightly making me blush. "Come on Jet, let’s go get in the car." She said. I smiled and turned over towards Party, who looked as if he was a sad puppy. In all honesty, I could tell party liked her as much as I did. And the fact that she secretly might like him too. Makes me a little heartbroken. I mean what can a powerful and beautiful chick like her, want with me?

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