Chapter Twelve~

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Jet's P.O.V

Its 12:00am, I sat in my bed thinking about everything. Everything that is happening in my life, thinking about what’s happened in the last two weeks. Thinking about how my lips met vintages, I can still feel the sweet sting as if she injected me with venom, venom of remembrance. Remembering the way she ran away from me and how anger I was at myself, at the world, at her.

I can see the connection with her and Party lately, there relationship is changing. It wasn't totally in love but it also was WAY past best friends. He would piss her off, she would yell at him and then he would come over and hug her tightly, whispering something in her ear to make her laugh and then she would kiss his cheek softly. For the past 2 weeks, I would watch this happening and I would get jealous, I would get jealous of Party, Channeling all my anger and depression in the gym, working out for over 12-15 hours a day trying to avoid seeing them together. Wondering why she couldn't give me a chance to hold her like he would, or to make her laugh like he does. Wondering why she couldn't give me a chance to love her? Why doesn’t she love me?

It’s now 7:12am, me lying in the bed, near sleep. When Fun came running into my room, He was shirtless and had on pair of Scooby doo pajama bottoms. "Dude Dude Dude!!" he said in a hasty voice. I sat up slowly, wiping my tired eyes and loosing the ponytail I had in my hair. "What dude...what’s so important that you have to come in my room screaming at 7:00 am?" I said in an annoyed voice. He smiled at me and said "Dude, Lexi is awake..." He then ran back into his room, I could tell that the guilt that was once on his heart was finally removed. I got out of the bed quickly and walked in his room after him.

When I got in the room, all eyes were on me. Kobra’s eyes looked at me with an expression that read “I know your secret!” And Vintage’s eyes looked at me with shame and embarrassment. Me and her hasn’t talked since our kiss, we would just look at each other every day with a pitiful smile and an awkward wave. “What in the bloody hell is going on?” Lexi asked, confused on where she was or why she was there. Fun sat on the bed and grabbed her hand as if he known her forever. “Lexi, remember the day we tried to save your father? And you climbed that helicopter? Well, you my dear you fell from the helicopter and plumaged a good 20-30 feet to the ground…” Vintage said to her, standing over her bed. Lexi turned her head to look at Vintage confused, she begin to ask questions “So wait…how long was I asleep, is there anything broken? Where is my father, is he alright?” Fun looked in her eyes and said “You were out cold for 2 weeks, in a coma. Luckily there was nothing broken BUT you did crack your wrist from landing on it first, so that’s going to hurt. And…we don’t know where your father is…they escaped with him…I’m sorry” Party, looking at her worried face. He jumped in and said “BUT WERE GOING TO FIND HIM DON’T WORRY!!!” She sighed and said “Guys thank you deeply for all you help…But I can get my father back myself, I don’t need your assistance anymore…now if you excuse me.” She started to sit up, but vintage pushed her back down “OHH no no no, you will stay her and get better first. We will find the mayor…uh your father, and bring him back safely okay. Now DON’T MOVE!” Vintage then pushed all of us out of the room and closed the door. “Fun, I need you to go in my room and grab my pink pill pouch on my nightstand in the corner; Lexi is going to need some more pain medication soon.” Vintage said pushing Fun into her room, “Now Kobra and Party can you guys go fetch me a glass of water and some of the masking tape in the main room, and I should wrap up her wrist.” They nodded to her commands and went running for her. I looked at her and smiled, hoping she would at least say two words to me. When she finally looked at me and opened her mouth, she stopped to the sound of a crash in her room. Looking at each other, we both ran into the room and looked around “Fun are you okay…OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!” She said in what looked like complete terror and agony. Fun stood in the corner of her room with yet more guiltiness painted on his face. He stood above a glass angel that looked like it had been pushed on the floor, the angel’s wings were now shards of glass spread across the floor and the angels head was broken too. What he had in his hand was the little pink pill case and shards of glass that he must have tried to pick up.

“GET OUT OF MY DAMN ROOM; GET OUT GET OUT GET THE FUCK OUT!!!” Vintage screamed at Fun. Fun’s face was red with embarrassment and guilt. “I-I’m sorry Vin, I-I accidently knocked it over while…” He tried to explain but Vintage cut him off. “NO! I DON’T WANT TO HEAR IT; I DON’T WANT TO HEAR YOUR BULL CRAP!!! GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY ROOM!! I DON’T EVEN WANT TO LOOK AT YOU ANYMORE!!!” Fun looked at her; I could tell he was sad and also angry. Kobra and Party ran into the room and yelled in sync. “What happened, who’s yelling?” Fun looked at vintage one more time before walking quickly passed us, and going outside, Slamming the door. Vintage stammered over to her bed and sat down quietly, I could tell that she has started to cry. I looked at Kobra and Party, who were befuddled at this point. “EVERYONE OUT…I want to talk to Vin alone!!!” I said pushing them out of the room and closing the door.

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