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  • Dedicated to Voters and Commenters!

Last Time on The Forgotten Mage:

"I hope that you don't claim me as someone lower than you. It is you who is lower." Felicia replied to Claire, clearly not impressed.

Claire stuttered a bit before hissing back.

"As if a Fairy Tail member could be higher than me! Mostly such a girl like you who seems to have no experience in battle at all!"

"Really? Did you not see that puppet of yours getting flipped and kicked at?" Felicia innocently said, cocking her head to the side, a mischievous grin forming on her face.

"Ha! That was mearly luck! Luck I say!" Claire was beginning to feel flustered as Felicia's blue-indigo eyes pierced her honey-brown eyes. For once in Claire's life, she felt fear. Claire knew then that she never ever wanted to feel this fear again.

Dedication to everybody. The story will now resume.


As Claire and Felicia stood atop of the rooftop of a house, the battle below them kept going on.

Each girl sent their deadly glare, challenging the other to take another step further. And one of them did. That was Felicia.

As Claire saw the slight movement of Felicia, she immediately slipped out a hidden whip below her layers of fabric.

A loud crack was heard by Team Natsu, making them turn and look at the owner of the sound. Instead, they only found the whoosh of the air.

I could've sworn I heard a crack! Natsu thought. Must be my imagination... Must've been on of the bandits getting snapped in half... He shook his head, trying to get back to what was infront of him, a large group of bandits, ready to fight the guild of Fairy Tail. Natsu gave a slight smile, getting fired up before running into the middle of the group and launching another attack.

Back to the fight with Claire and Felicia, Felicia was able to easily dodge the whip at the last second, shocking Claire at the same time.

No one can dodge a whip that fast! Mostly with my whip... It was only centimeters away from her body, I know it! Claire was clearly confused witht the amount of information she was getting. Felicia was showing her things that she had never seen before and she did not like that very fact.

"Can't you stop dodging and fight me already! Are you just scared?" Felicia let out a yawn and took a random swird lying on the roof. This only infuriated Claire even more.

Am I not good enough for her to use her very own weapon but one of anothers? Claire, although infuriated, kept her anger subsided.

I need to focus even though this is only a battle that I'll for sure win, I can't take any chances.

Just as Claire was ready to fling her whip once more, she felt cold metal being oressed onto her neck. The metal, if pressured any further, could ruin her perfect, pale neck.

Slowly, making sure her neck didn't bleed, Claire craned her neck to look to her right, where Felicia was holding the metal sword in both her hands, her irises and pupils becoming smaller and smaller as she kept on narrowing her light blue eyes.

 "This shall be your warning. And this," Felicia made one single move of her sword, "This shall be your reminder." With that said, Felicia putted down her sword and threw it towards the trunk of a tree.

 Quickly, Claire's right hand reached for her now bleeding neck. Lightly, she touched the cut and look at her fingers, finding her own red blood on them. Claire's already wide eyes widened even more.

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