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 Last Time on The Forgotten Mage:

  The memories of fun, death and travels overpowered her thoughts as those were the only things she could think of. Felicia had no choice but to watch as her memories overflowed from her hidden box.

  From her small daze, Felicia was awaken when Aya had called out to her.

  "Fel-chan..." the white-haired mage lifted her head and met with the yellow-green eyes of the fox spirit.

 "I'll take you back to your room..." Felicia nodded and got up. She noticed that everyone was staring at the interaction of the two and were still staring as they left the room.

 What do they want?

Dedicated to NALU fans. Thank you for the votes~ Hope you enjoy chapter 12! The story will resume now.


 "What?" Felicia stopped in her steps and looked at the fox spirit accusingly.

 "Release them." Aya calmly turned back around, watching the mage she had spent nine years glare at her with malice.

 "Why should I do that? Master says that it will make you renew the contract and he wants you to still be with us. And I do too." Aya whispered the last part, watching as the mage.

 "Allow me to go speak with Master. Rather, you are dismissed—I can find him myself," Felicia began to stray away from the path to her room to only be abruptly stopped by a hand.

 "You can't!" Aya shouted. Felicia raised a brow as if challenging the fox spirit to make her. Aya cleared her throat and rephrased her words.

 "I mean... Master is out right now so he won't be here... It'll be useless to look for him!" The fox spirit averted her eyes from the cold blue ones that pierced holes through her head.

 "Then I won't meet him at this moment," Felicia stated, watching as Aya's stature relax. "You are still being dismissed, I can find my room on my own," the mage said quickly, turning around and walking pass the fox spirit. The spirit turned to watch Felicia become smaller and smaller. Her eyes watched the mage's figure sadly as she thought of what was to happen soon.

 This is for your own good.


 True to her words, Felicia found her room herself. Closing the door, the mage looked around the room in nostalgia. It still looked like how she left it, although a bit more dusty than it would've been if she still occupied the room. Shaking her head, Felicia rid of those thoughts as she remembered that. Those days can not return. They will never return.

 Falling onto her bed, Felicia stared up at the dark canopy bed ceiling. For as long as she had lived in the room, she still couldn't adapt to the color scheme. The design was beautiful and the color suited it well—it was a room fitted for those who live in the dark side.

 Turning her head, she was met with a familiar black cat. She petted the creature to which it purred in reply. Rubbing her cold hands together, Felicia blew on them lightly as she started her plan.

 Covering her eyes with the back of her left hand, she began muttering incoherent words, writing in the air as she did so. The mage felt the shuffle of weight on the bed, heard the small paws that pounded on the ground. She also heard the cat disappearing as it went through the door.

 After the cat's leave, Felicia picked up her pace, muttering more words and writing in the air more rapidly. Everything went silent. Her body fell onto the bed, her arms landing wherever. Although her head stared upward.

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