How To Survive A Zombie Apocalypse

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A/N Hey, this is a story I’ve been wanting to write for a little while now. You’ll know from the summary thing this is about the zombie apocalypse, I just hope I make it unique enough to make it out there in the big bad world of writing ;p 

They knew. The people in power KNEW. That is the most vital thing that people get told. The government knew. They knew about the monsters, they knew about the virus, they even knew how to kill them. All that there is to know about the Infected, the world leaders knew it. But they told no one. I’ve lost everything because of this virus, everyone has, and we continue to lose so much every single day. I’ll survive though, I will save the world from its horrific fate. I’m Alex, this is my story, my diary, my account of what happened, my warning and most of all, this is my survival guide to you on how to survive the apocalypse. Good luck.  

A/N Yes, I know that was just a paragraph and no they will not all be that stupidly short, this is just the prologue and I’m gunna write chapter one before I upload this so I can put them up at the same time. Hope this intrigues you!



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