Chapter 20- Decisions And Missions

Start from the beginning

I mumbled profanities and looked up from my phone.

Eric entered the room smiling at me looking nerd as always and was about to take the seat from my right when someone shoved him away from me.

Eric stumbled a bit looking surprised as I was.

"What the---" I was about to protest as I frowned glancing up when it all instantly swept away when I saw who it was.

Shane pulled the chair out the table and took the seat beside me. I blinked several times in his sudden actions. What is he trying to do now? If he's planning to make a show, I can say it's working. Everybody's freaking staring!

Yay life!

I saw Eric glared at Shane's direction but he just managed to fix his uniform and pushed his glasses with his index finger. Nice controlling for Eric I should say.

A smirk crawling up to Shane's face again, I rolled my eyes on him and just turned my gaze away.

Mr. Smeath entered the class and started the discussion.

The class felt really long and I didn't bother to listen to Mr. Smeath's lesson. My body might be present in this room but my mind is flying through my wildest thoughts about what just happened this morning and what might happen next. Will I survive until tomorrow? Will people forget about those scandal? I have no idea!

The next subject periods past but I kept my butt glued on my seat until lunch break. I just texted Gray and Jaik I couldn't make it to lunch with them today.

They would probably find that one alarming for being my oh-so-protective brothers but I don't think I still need elaborate the thing to them. I bet the wildfire news got reached them already.

I got my head resting on my arms crossed on the table. Eyes closed, I waited for the room to be filled with silence. Means no more people around, no more humiliation.

The silence was ear shattering.

All clear, I guess.

I opened my eyes with my head still resting on my arms. My sight got blurry then as soon as I realized, my eyes are watering.

I immediately looked up at the ceiling to prevent the water from running down my face. From all these years, I learned how to keep myself from crying. It's been ages since I let this water crawl down my cheeks. I don't know why they suddenly came out of my lids but good thing I still managed to control them.

"Do you always cry like that?" a voice filled the room

I turned to my right where the voice was coming from then saw Shane sitting right next to my seat bemusedly staring at me.

"I'm not crying" I protested

"Yes, you are. You just didn't let them roll down your eyes but yes, you're crying" he said

"Go away! I don't need you here" I yelled at him

His expression became serious, "Hey, I heard about it. It wasn't that bad", he said calmy

I shot him glare, "For you it wasn't. But for me it really is! I feel humiliated in front of everybody now,  I have no one to be with me and your girls are calling me names! Of course it wasn't that bad!" I cried breaking the silence in the room.

"I don't have girls, okay? What are they calling you? Did they hurt you?" he said sounding like he cares.

I rolled my eyes but answered anyway, "They didn't hurt me physically. But they called me bitch" I said with my shaking voice. I can feel my eyes about to water again. I need to control this. He can't see me like this!

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