Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Harrys POV

"Where is she?"

"In your room. She's been freaking out since the whole thing went down. She got some phone call after and it just got worse" Lo paced back and forth in the living room. Ed and Nina sat on the couch seemingly calm.

"What happened?"

"Liam's sister attacked her in the parking lot. We had to break them apart and Charlie has been going nuts since then. I think she has alcohol in there"

"Has anyone checked on her?"

"She's screamed at pretty much anyone that came in the room"

"Is Payton back with Aidan?"

"Not yet. Talk to her Harry. She's talking about leaving and quitting her job"

I nodded and headed towards the bedroom. Pushing the door open the first thing I noticed was not only her suitcase on the floor piled with clothes, but mine and Aidan's.


"No! Mom, I don't want you to come over here. Just promise me that you will take care of Aidan if anything happens to Harry or I. Mom just say it please! I need you to say it"

I walked around our bed and she was sitting cross legged, leaning against it. Her phone was gripped tightly to her ear. Her hair pulled into a blonde fuzzy pony tail. Quietly, I sat next to her and she blinked up at me.

"Mom I have to go. I'll call you later"?

She fumbled with her phone before setting it next to her on the floor. I eyed her red tinted cheeks and eyes, but she looked away after a few seconds.

"Talk to me Charlie"

"I want to leave. I don't want to live here anymore"

" know we can't just pick up and run"

"Why? Ed wants to open a location in Cali. My boss is doing the same. Why can't we just go. Leave all of this behind. I'm so sick of living in fear. Wondering when Liam or Alex will strike again"

"Charlie your parents are here and I'm closer to my family this way and as much as I don't like Payton, Aidan loves her. We can't just run from everything"

She turned grabbing a glass from the nightstand.

"What is that?"

After bringing it to her lips and tilting her head back, I grabbed the half empty glass and held it to my nose.

"Charlie, since when do you drink straight vodka?" I turned setting the glass a good distance away from us.

"It's not straight. I just ran out of soda half way through. It's just strong"

"Really fucking strong. What are you going to do when Aidan comes home and you're wasted?"

"You're passing a great deal of judgement to be someone who disappears for days and binge drinks"

"My drinking has nothing to do with this-"

"It does though! You drink and runaway. Now I want to drink and runaway and you're telling me I can't! Who said you get to make the rules?"

"I'm not making rules. I just want what's best for you"

"As long as you benefit from it? Right?"

"What are you talking about?" I could tell this was built up anger, since it seemed to have nothing to do with our current situation. It was better for her to get it out now though. Before Aidan returned"

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