Fine 'n Dine

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Published: 27/12/2019

Updated: 10/06/2022

The young blue hair male was taking a stroll as he remembered his parents had asked him to collect some money from a lady who wanted to help them and is a personal friend of theirs. She also wanted help with a particular job too. She did say that she would award them if they do it, so they sent their son to do her bidding. "It's been a couple of months now since I have seen my friend. I wonder what she is up to?" he murmured. 

"Hmm?" He looked up to see the young girl, wearing the same clothes, walking with a couple of other people, assuming they were acquaintances since she said she never had friends before. Maybe those are her friends that she made after him. She was walking with them on the opposite side where he was.

"H-Hey! Hey!" He tried to get her attention. 

"Excuse me, young man." He turned to see an old lady who was clearly looking at him. "Can you help me across the street, please?" She asked as she raised her hand solemnly, waiting for the young boy's acceptance. 

"Of course." He said, not giving a second thought, and helped the old lady across the street. Once they were there, she thanked him and went on her way.

"Alright. Now to-" He turned around to see that she wasn't in his vision anymore which made him feel a strike. A strike heartbeat in the background when he felt that hurt. She wasn't there anymore and that was pure luck that he saw her. "No! I failed, but I will not give up." He said with a smile of determination. 

He did not know why, but after Hayami saved him from the men. Even though he did not like to fight or anything to be dealt with violence, she didn't exactly use violence. She somehow knocked them out with sleeping gas. One thing that troubled him about that. The fact that she let it out in form of gas from her mouth. She was just human, but a really unusual one at that or is she even one?

He shrugged it off and left. His mission, apart from the one his parents requested him to do, was to find her and learn more about his new friend. She did claim that they both are friends now and he truly wanted to be with her. Sadly, that was not the case every time he saw her.

"Hayami-san!" He cheered as he tried running over to greet her, but someone asked him for help.

"Excuse me, can you help me with the directions?"  A male asked.

As pure and kind as he is, he did not hesitate to help. "Yes!" This leads him astray from his mission. She left with her 'company'. By the time he was finished with everything, she was nowhere to be found. "Oh no!" He cried out. He couldn't believe this was the sixth time today that he lost her. Yet, he hasn't even gained her attention at all. She must be so busy to not hear him. Also, it could be the crowd too as they were very loud today with shopping and mingling around with others.


He was walking on the street, deciding to look at the nice watch he got from the lady and cash to give his parents. It was solid gold and it was a rare watch, a fine collectible at that too. Many would die for it. He placed it in his pocket. This can gain a hefty amount of money if sold. 

The lady happened to give it to him because of how sweet he was and did everything with no questions. 'How depressing.' He heard his stomach growl as he patted it gently. He looked up from his sulking position and to the side where there was a small slope and a small pond was there as well. 

His eyes widened as he saw the familiar distinctive hairstyle he knew all too well. Long white hair that reached her waist, parts of it tied in an upper ponytail with a yellow hair comb hairpin(kushi) with a brown kogai and blue and yellow tama (bead being blue). The exact person, rather friend, he wants to be around and talk to. The familiar waist-length white hair girl had her back turned to him. "Hayami-san!" He trotted down the set of stairs he first met. 

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