Craving More

305 7 3

Published: 23/03/2023


Agares, Picero, and Gaap were playing sleeping and playing their games respectively at their Battler. Sabro was struggling to hold the booth store in place as he remarked, "How long am I supposed to keep holding this up?" He took a glance around. "There's no one around... But this is not enough to bring a Demon King down."

In the plaza where most of the students gathered, the Broadcast Battler announced through the deviphone. "All right. The Battler Party Eve is about to draw to a close. the Party Eve is going to end... But once the bell sounds, the Party Day officially begins!"

They cheered and Ameri, with her crew, was on guard but she was worried about the whereabouts of Iruma mostly Hayami since she has grown a soft spot for her.

"Kiriwo-senpai should be behind this wall." Iruma pushed a block and the secret wall raised to reveal the door. He attempted to go in but was blocked by the barrier. "Huh? There's a barrier here, too?" He began knocking on it. "Senpai! Senpai!" Kiriwo smiled maliciously as if this was all fun and he was happy to hear him. "You're in there, aren't you? Please let me in!"

The barrier was gone and the door opened, making Iruma fall on his face. "Ow..." He looked at Kiriwo who greeted him. "Hello there. Welcome, Iruma-kun."

Iruma noticed there were a few changes to him such as he wasn't wearing his glasses. "Why are you... Where are your glasses? What are you..." 

"Well, it's a party, so I thought I'd go all out." He patted the side of his head. "There are barriers all over the school. That's your magic, isn't it, Senpai?" He looked at the curtains that had a glow underneath.

"Indeed, it is. I'm glad to see everyone's enjoyin' them, though that wasn't my intention. They just called it a surprise event, making it much more enjoyable than I'd planned." He pushed past the curtain to enter the other room and Iruma followed. "You're also the one who took the fireworks, right?"

He gasped and sped walk then placed his hands on the barrier around her. "Why are you here? Are you okay?"

"Iruma-kun, Senpai had this all planned out. He's going to use Gabuko-san and the shell for his schemes." She explained as she took at a smiling Kiriwo.

"Gabuko-san....What's your plan with the shell as well? Why are you keeping Hayami-san locked up like this?"

"I'm going to make it explode so I can destroy the school. I was surprised that Hayami-chan here knew what I was up to. She was suspicious of me for a while but it's so commendable you try to beat me. You know what you are, you shouldn't hide it." He chuckled

Outside, students were talking amongst each other about how excited they were about their Battler's Presentation. She shrugged it off. "It was by accident..." She murmured to herself, knowing if she didn't wake up she wouldn't know but maybe be suspicious about it because of his sly behaviour.

Iruma was a little daunted that she never told him and it can be seen with a slightly sad expression then turned back to him. "That's why Gabuko-san exists. Why... Why would you do such a thing?" His concern laced in his question.

"Hm...Let's see." He walked towards them. "I guess I don't mind tellin' you about when I was born."



"My family, the Amy clan, is also known as the "Steel Barrier" and is one of the most feared and famous families in the netherworld. My family is also known to have an abundance of magical power. Top tier. But..."

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