Hard Work in Practice

722 27 12

Published: 14/09/2021


In the cafeteria, Iruma told them, "For now, I just want to climb from Alef to Bet. So I was hoping you could show me how to climb..." Asmodeus stood up. This had shocked Iruma. "Huh? Azz-kun?!"  

Asmodeus was being dramatic again with his tears. He turned around and covered his mouth. "I almost thought Iruma-sama had no interest in ranks but I knew it must've been getting to him deep down..." 

"Huh, umm..."

"Just let him vent Iruma-sama. He has been keeping this in for a while." She sighed. "I'm also happy you want to raise your ranks! I thought it was truly unfair that you were ranked Alef. That is despicable and imprudent."

"I still did not mind it." Iruma looked back at Asmodeus again.

"And he has every right to be upset! Iruma-sama did something as unprecedented as making the Guardian of Cutthroat Valley his pet, yet his rank was immeasurable. He obviously can't be ranked on the same scale as the rest of us demons, but that's no reason to place him at the lowest rank of Alef!" He got into Iruma's personal space. "I was displeased when you were ranked as an Alef, as well! I was becoming numb from all of our foolish classmates who lack ambition, but moving up the ranks is a demon's pride! Let us move up the ranks."

He started to calm down but his enthusiasm was still evident. "Now, let us prepare!" 

"S-Sure..." He said. 

"Yes," Hayami answered. 

Clara sat up. "Prepare for what?"    

Instead of Asmodeus, Kuro spoke. "In order to get Iruma-sama and Hayami-sama to rise up to the Yodh ranks and S rank." 

He interjected. "So they can then reign over...all of Babyls!" 

"Oh, dear cousin. I think you frightened them!" She looked over at them.

They screamed. "What?!" Iruma looked like he could faint from his outburst claim, Clara looked excited and Hayami had her normal blank stare and a small smile. She was already too used to them, and she normally doesn't show much burst of excitement but she didn't think about that bug responsibility either. 

"Holy crap!"

"He just said something crazy!"

"Not only one, but two legends are about to be born!"

Eiko was staring with admiration. "I'm sure Iruma-san could do it!"

Shadow was also staring much like Eiko. "I'm sure Hayami-san could do it, no doubt." 

"One rank up, please!" Clara asked and Cam replied with a, "Leave."

"A-Azz-kun, I'm fine with just being a bet..." He responded. 

"H-Huh? B-But..." He looked down in disappointment and then gasped. He closed his eyes. "Nay, this is Iruma-sama we're talking about. I'm sure he has some profound reason that I could never even fathom." He knelt down and bowed his head. "I apologize for my presumptuousness." 

"Er, don't worry about it! Could we stop standing ou-"

"Hayami-sama, you need your promotion too! We must go onwards to the path of your success." He beamed. She sweatdropped and Kuro responded eagerly with a nod about almost everything her cousin was saying. 

"Well, if you want to help me that much, I guess it will be okay." She told him. 

"Now!" Asmodeus put his arms out, protecting the two students. "Iruma-sama and Hayami-sama are going to prepare to rise up to the rank of Bet and Zayin. Make way!" He demanded. Iruma was speechless yet again then covered himself under her haori. 

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