Commencement of Rookie Hunt

495 17 4

Published: 06/12/2021

Updated: 07/01/2022

Many demons were approaching and one of them yelled. "First-years!" 

"Find some decent first years!" Many had good intentions, Hayami can tell by the pitied look she made as her tail was let out and started to twitch like a signal. They were just very eager to recruit first years into their Battlers to increase population and to build in their teams. 'How competitive. This is really no joke.'

All of the seniors ran after many first years, and they in turn, ran off in response. A puprle furry demon spotted them. "Huh?" 

He ran to them. "Where are the first years?!" 

"Hey, wai—" Iruma flinched and Hayami raised her hands. She wasn't as jumpy as Iruma for she knew that Asmodeus and Kuro are going to take care of him although she can also calmed the demon too. "Hold on a minute."

Asmodeus and Kuro blocked the demon from coming any close by swiping their flames him at him. He back with a low growl, let out a 'tch' before running off to find more first years.

"How dare you?" Asmodeus muttered. 

"Thanks, Azz-kun and Kuu-chan." Iruma thanked and bowed to them while Hayami also give a nod to them too in thanks. "Yes. If it wasn't for you, who knows how he would force us to join his Battler."

"But of course. Upperclassmen or not, I will not let anyone be rude to any of you, Iruma-sama and Hayami-sama." 

"Hey, look." he held out a paper. "No doubt about it. That's Asmodeus and Kuro! Along with Sparkling Violet!" Another one chimed in and Hayami perked up upon hearing that nickname. 

'Sparkling Violet? Do they mean me?' She thought. 'It must be seeing as I'm the only one with purple eyes.'  Her question was answered when they came running to them. "Please, join our Battler!" He opened his hand and blew fire and burnt his flyer. He created a barrier of fire around them. 

"M-My flyer!" 

"He put up a flame barrier! Who does he think he is?"

"So cool!" 

"Let's find someone else!" 

They all ran off to find others and Clara said to the fleeing demons. "Bye-bye!" 

"Why did they call me Sparkling Amethyst? That's a totally new one for me." Hayami was baffled while also watching them leave. 

"Oh, about that, Hayami-sama." Hayami turned to Kuro who took out her phone and was looking for the video that was circulating around the school. "Somehow, this was leaked to the school." She showed the video to them and it showed herself sitting on the bed and talking to herself. 

Her head turned to face the video and there was a particular shine in her eyes that was very beautiful like the amethyst jewel. "What?" She asked with a slight shock. "Who videotaped that? Wait—I didn't sense a presence before and I was looking at it? The heck?" She questioned. 

"Oh, seems like you have a secret admirer~" Clara teased and nudged her shoulder with a giggle but Hayami looked very concerned. As usual, she was smiling but looking into her eyes, there was a notable perturbation in them. 

"How dare they do that to my lady! That's crossing the breach of privacy." Asmodeus said with gritted teeth and his hand clenched from clear irritation. He had a noticeable irk mark appear on the side of his forehead with fire surrounding him. 

Iruma, on the other hand, was also not happy. He was concerned for her well-being. First, he had to calm Asmodeus down. "Azz-kun, calm down, calm down, calm down!" He told him, waving his hands down as a gesture to cool his rising temper. 

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