Building the Sparks of the Battler

393 14 6

Published: 17/6/22

Updated: 25/10/22

During the late evening, a phone was ringing in the residence and Opera answered the phone. "You can't come?"

"Yeah... They're saying that I illegally entered the human world." He laid his head on his table at the position he was now in of being investigated while Henri kept a strict eye on him. "I'm being questioned by Demon Border Control right now.

"I see. So, how long is your sentence?" Oper asked nonchalantly and he then bluntly replied. "Why are you sentencing me already?! They're just questioning me!"

"Is this a false accusation?" They queried 

"Of course it is!" He covered the phone and whispered, "I mean, it's not like they'll ever find out." 

"You're just confessing to the crime."

"Anyway..." He changed the subject quickly to his grandson and student. "Something is definitely off." He began to cry and wiped his tears away with a napkin. "I'm sure Iruma-kun's and Hayami-chan's so worried about me that they can't even eat."

"They're currently...playing his after-dinner games and playing games on her phone."

"They're gaming?!" He shouted and cried out frustratedly. "No fair, no fair, no fair! I'll be home soon! I'm definitely going to the Battler Party!" He jumped excitedly in his comedic egg shape size. "Make sure Iruma-kun and Hayami-chan don't stay up too late and keep warm! Oh, and make sure to read them a bedtime story! Also, be sure to tell them that I love them very much even though we're so far apart." 
Of course." He hangs up the phone. 

He turned his head slightly and Hayami left her game and put down the phone. "Is grandpa not coming home yet?"

"He won't be back for a while because something came up,  but he says there's nothing to worry about."

"I see." He replied and she nodded. "Good to hear." He turned his head to the screen and the game lost music and credits appeared on the screen.

"Ha! Now, it's my turn against Opera-san!" She cheered, jumping onto her butt, and took the controller from Iruma albeit gently from his hands.


The school bell rang for school. with the demon version of Parents' Day, the Battler Party, a few days away... The first-years at the Demon School Babyls are very nervous. The students in the abnormal class were fidgety as the days were counting down to the big day of this event. 

"You lot need to calm down." Said Kalego. 

"But our parents are going to be here!" Lied exclaimed.

"I'm very nervous." Gaap placed his hand on his chest. 

"Both of my parents are coming." Lied added.

"My big bro will be here." Jazz looked okay but anyone can tell he is just as nervous as anyone else would be. 

"What about you, Keroli-chan?" Elizabetta asked. 

"My parents are a bit busy, but Grammy said she'd come." Karoli smiled a small smile. 

"Oh, how lovely." She responded.

"Eggy-sensei! Nervous, nervous!"

'Family, huh? I never really got to go to school back in the human world. And it's not like my parents ever bothered to come on Parents' Day. I wonder what it feels like to have your family come to see you at school.' He imagined that Sullivan would be cheering him and Hayami with Opera next to him to support them as well. 'Wait, now I'm getting nervous, too." He thought with a mixture of positive emotions. 

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