Run, Iruma, to Kiriwo and Hayami

318 9 6

Published: 04/02/2023

Updated: 16/03/2023


In another realm, the cloaked figure approach a large and beautiful yellow and red building. They knocked on the door and entered the place as the doors opened for her.

Walking down the halls until she reached an opening area where there was a large seat and a beautiful woman with long blonde hair and orange eyes were sitting there with her legs crossed and smile. "I see you're back."

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"My lady

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"My lady." The figure knelt down on one knee.

"Did you dispose of her?"

"I couldn't." They replied, making her frown. "She was protected by one of the Three Great Heroes, Lord Sullivan."

The blonde hair lady pouted angrily at that. "He? The one closest to the Demon King and Demon Lord? The old man demon who is bald, has a mustache, and wears spectacles? Him?" She asked the figure and they nodded.

"Tch." She slammed her fist on the armrest of the chair. "How are we supposed to get rid of her and use her powers if he is in the way." She sighed disapprovingly then smiled. "No matter. I will have to approach this in a different manner, and you will be the answer to this. After all, you're my daughter, my prodigy, and the one who will take over after me and I expect so."

"Yes, mother." She said. She smiled with glowing green eyes. "Anything for you and for me to stay on top and cause domination in this realm."


"There are walls everywhere..." Iruma said.

"It's a giant wall-like barrier..." Asmodeus touched the wall and then looked at Clara. "Is there a wall there, as well?"


"Stop making things even more confusing!" He berated her and Kuro took a glance between them.

"Hey, this barrier... Isn't this Kiriwo-senpai's?" Iruma asked.

Meanwhile, other students bumped into the invisible wall or tried to figure out what was going on and how to get out. Come-Come was encouraging Sabnock to keep their stall just the way he has it so it won't break along with their items.

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