Dinner with the Thirteen's

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Published: 09/04/2022


It was afternoon once again and the duo, Hayami and Iruma, were at the mansion. He held a poster for the two of them to read and look at "Battler Party?"He asked. 

"It's a presentation held by Battlers. Really, it's an introduction for all the new members." Opera pulled some equipment and looked at them. "It's a lively event with various forms of entertainment and shops." They said. 


"Above all, the parents of the first-years come to the Battler Party to observe. It's a perfect opportunity for them to check up on their kids who just started school."

"So it's basically like parents' day at school." He turned his head. "I see." He stopped when he realized the equipment that was next to Opera and what Hayami was staring at. She was already taken aback as soon as she took her eyes off the poster but Opera didn't seem to mind it. 

"And all this is..."

"Please don't tell me this is all Master's doing." She said. She had already put two and two together to know that all this equipment was sought for him for he was obsessed with pampering his beloved grandson and loved student. 

"Yes. The chair-demon insisted on getting ready for it immediately."

"I need uncut footage from all the angles of Iruma-kun and Hayami-chan getting ready for the Battler Party!" He cheerily said. 

Hayami smiled and shook her head. "Classic Master."

Iruma chuckled more out of nervousness. "So...where is grandpa?"

"Yeah. Where is he? It has been a little too quiet here without his joyous eccentric self."

"He just left." They had their eyes closed and then opened them. "He has a very important regular meeting today."

"Huh? Regularly scheduled meeting?"

"A meeting of the greatest heroes of the netherworld... The Thirteen's Dinner." In a distant land, many sharp mountains incline everywhere with the absence of any sunlight to brighten the surroundings. Lightning flashed and thunder roared following after towards a dark exterior, but lit-up building. Inside on the 665th floor, there were seven demons sitting around the table in silence. 

Lightning flashed a couple more times before one spoke up. His name is Belzebuth, holding the title of Great Heroes Second-in-Command. "Now, let us begin our meeting." 

A dark skin male with glasses raised his hand. His name is Astaroh with the titleholder as the Al-Seer. "Please wait a moment. It doesn't look like everyone's here yet." Belzebuth answered. "Asmodeus and Glasya will be absent." Their titles of Lord of Seduction and Dark Lord respectively. 

"Again? Do they actually realize they're part of the Thirteen Crowns?" he asked. This one was a large blue wolf demon. He has the title holder of Lord of Four Corners. His name is Amaymon. 

"they had other matters to attend to. Let us begin the meeting." Belzebuth said. 

"The biggest problem here is overhunting of food." The large pig-like demon spoke with a bone in his mouth and holding a bucket of chicken and chicken bones he finished eating. He has the title holder as Glutton lord. His name is Behemoth. "At this rate, we're going to die of starvation." He put the bone in the bucket and picked up another drummette then chomped on it. 

"Uh, it wouldn't hurt for you to starve a little," Amaymon said with obvious annoyance at the Glutton Lord but sat down when Astaroh pointed out another issue. "Money's not flowing like it should, either. Too much illegal trading of goods going on." 

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