Chapter 19

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I woke up with a head ache out of this world. My alarm was going off, so I reached over to turn it of. I got up, put my robe on, and moved to the bathroom. The light blind my eyes. I looked in the mirror and it looked like I had a hell of a night, my make up was smudged and it looked like I had lipstick all over my neck. I brushed my teeth, washed my make up, and went into my medicine cabinet. I grabbed an asprin and threw it back with some water. Hopefully that would help my hangover. 

"Baby come back to bed." Someone said raising up from the bed. I juimped. It was a female. Oh my fucking God. I slept with a bitch. A fucking female! She raised up and was rubbing her eye.

I watched as the cover fell from the top of her body, and strangely I was attracted. Nah, fuck that. I'm strictly dickly. I could never imagine myself sleeping with a woman... Even though I did.

"Um, whatever happened last night was a one time thing. I'm not gay or none of that shit. I like dick, so you can leave. " I said grabbing her stuff and throwing it on the bed. She got up and threw her close on. I quickly pushed her out the front door and closed it. I hope Aunya bitch ass wasn't here. She would hold this against my ass for the REST of my life. I'm not even exaggerating. 

"So you decided dick wasn't where it's at no more huh?" I turned around and she was putting eggs on a plate. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the table. I sat down and Aunya sat the plate in front of me. She made Eggs, bacon, and some pacakes with a cup of orange juice. 

"Shut the fuck up Aunya." I said pouring syrup on my pancakes. I cut the small stack and took a bite. Aunya could throw down in the kitchen. This shit was bomb.

"I'm just saying. I mean I always knew you were looking at me, but I brushed it off. Now I see why." I stopped and looked up at her. "What?"

"Nigga ain't nobody looking at you, but Eric. Now shut up. You making my headache worse. " I went back to my food. 

"Well excuse the fuck out of me." She said. Just then , my phone rang and she picked it up. "Hello, this is Nicki's phone, her main is speaking." I rolled my eyes. I hated when she answered my phone. "Matthew?" She said and my head popped up. Auunya gave me the 'The Fuck?' face and went back to the converstation. "Yeah she's right here." She handed my the phone and I went to my room.

"Hello?" I said. 

"Hey. Nicki, I was wondering if you'd want to go out with me tonight?"

"Uh, well I don't have anything else to do, so why not?"

"Well damn. No excitement?" He said with a light chuckle. I smiled a bit and ran my hand over my head. My headache was still kind of heavy.

"No, I'm excited, but I didn't want to let you know." He laughed.

"Well baby you don't have to hide anything from me." I rolled my eyes at the word baby. He think he got it like that?

"Yeah whatever. Where are you taking me?"

"I was thinking about taking you to the new resturant that just opened downtown. Its a nice resturant, so make sure you dress nice."

"How you gone tell me how to dress? And I always dress nice for your information."

"Yeah, well see. Well I'll let you get back to what you were doing. I'll be there at seven though."

"Alright. Sounds like a plan." We said our good-bye's and hung up. 

Yeah I was kind of looking foward to this little date and all, but I am not looking for anything serious. Or at least I don't think I am.

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