Chapter 13

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So I decided to put this small little chapter mainly because it's like a part two to chapter 12 and I think I owe you guys another update since I took forever! lol

Oh and if you are good a covers pleaseeeeee send me covers for one and two to my kik asap!!! (@mo_sotrill is my kik) KIK ME THESE COVERS!!


I sat there, in the living room. I can't believe she had a miscarriage. I don't know what we did to deserve this. I was all excited to have my first baby by Nicki. I can't believe it died. We didn't even get to see if it was gonna be a boy or girl.

I got up and went to the room. I went to go use the bathroom and came back out. I went out to the balcony and saw Nicki sitting in a chair lookin' over the city. She hasn't said a word since we got back.

"Baby, I was about to go over to mom's house. did you want to come?" I asked her. She didn't even look my way.

I sat there for a moment and thought about asking her again, but I knew she wasn't gonna talk. Instead, I just left her to herself so she could think, and left.

I got to my mom's house and went straight to her room because I heard her tv.

When I got in there she was sitting there eatin' yogurt watchin' one of her talk shows. I sat next to her on her small couch that's in front of her bed and sat there for a second before putting my head down in my hands.

She started to rub my back. "It's okay Kevin. I know you keep thinking it's your fault, but it's not. God took that baby baby for a reason. He took it because your not ready."

"Yea I know, but I still can't help but feel guilty a little. Especially since Nicki ain't talkin to me. She won't say a word to anybody. Me, Jamal, Aunya, Eric. Nobody. I'm worried about her. I mean I know she sad, but I wish she would at least come to mean to cry. She won't even cry no more. She won't do nothing. She don't even eat and barely sleep. I'm worried, Ma."

"Kev, you gotta just let her heal. It's hard losing a baby. That pain you feeling, she feeling worse. You just have to stay by her side and when she ready to open up, be there. It's gonna take some time. You can't do nothing, but be patient."

I know. I hope she open up soon though."


I sat there, quiet. I didn't know what to do. I was out of tears and hated my self. I let Jamal, Kevin, everybody stress me out. I was having sex. I just can't believe I let that baby go.

Me having a miss carriage makes me feel empty. It make me feel like somethings missing. I haven't eaten, slept, or even showered. I just sat there repeating when I was at the hospital.

*Flashback at the hospital*

I woke up feeling like something was missing.

"What happened?"

"I'm glad your awake. You passed out from the amount of blood loss." The doctor said.

"Blood loss? Why was I losing blood?" I was confused and scared.

"You had a miscarriage Nicki." Then it came back to me. The horrible stomach pains I had. I remember something wet in between my legs, but my mind is blank from there.

"What caused her miscarriage?" I heard Mercy. I saw Mercy stand on my side , on my other side was Aunya with tears running down her face, and Eric was sitting in a chair against the wall. But I didn't see Kevin.

"We can't really tell. It could be anything. Infection, hormonal issues, and a main cause stress."

"Will she be able to have any kids?" Aunya asked him.

"Well everything looks okay, but bleeding usually doesn't stop until two or three weeks. For those two or three weeks, nothing can go in. Including fingers, sex toys, tampons, and male parts, so no sex then. If you try to have another child, wait until your body is fully healed."

"Okay thank you doctor." Mercy said.

"No problem. I'm gonna be back in just a minute to check on you. We are gonna keep you over night" He said and then left.

I laid there not knowing whether to cry or be mad, then Kevin came in and ran right over to me. When he put his arms around me and I saw tears running down his face, I knew to cry. I was so glad he was here.

As he was hugging me, I thought about hugging him back, but I was so weak.

"Kevin it's gone. The babies gone." I managed to get out over the sobs.

"I know. It's okay baby. We'll get through this together." Kevin said .

Just then, Jamal came in. He walked slowly over the side of me where Aunya was standing a minute ago.

"Nicki, I'm so sor-"

"I bet you happy now. You got what you wanted. No baby no more." I said cutting Jamal off with so much anger in my voice. I don't know why, but I just felt that this was somewhat his fault.

There was a long awkward silence

"How about we leave for a second, so they can talk." Mercy said walking away from the bed.

"No that's okay. If anybody's leaving, it's gonna be Jamal because we don't have anything to talk about." I said looking straight at Jamal.  There was a long silence and then he left.

I watched the door long after it shut, and started crying even harder.

*End of Flashback*

I can't believe me and Jamal's fight. I have never fought with him like this, ever. It's like right now, I don't even want to see or hear him. I'm just can't believe all that's happening right now.

Damn... This chapter was such a downer. I'm sort yall. lolBut what do yall think about this chapter??

-How would you explain Nicki's feelings right now?

-How do you think Jamal feeling right now?

-Do you think Kevin and Nicki are gonna try to have another baby?

-How you feeling right now? :'(

Goal is the same as last chapter!!

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