5 - A Bit of Problems

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Back in Dr.Glickenstein castle, Glickenstein was working on his plans for his invention when yodeling was then heard in the distance.

"Hi there!" said a woman who has red hair in pigtails, a Swedish accent and a Swedish dress that is purple and green.

"Hi there!" said a woman who has red hair in pigtails, a Swedish accent and a Swedish dress that is purple and green

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"Look, it's your little girlfriend, Heidi. You take a cocoa break, and I'll guard your plans for your new invention." Heidi said while trying to grab the plans for Glickenstein's invention. "No, wait! You'll spill on my plans. Heidi, you're not careful enough! You're so sloppy sometimes." Glickenstein said as he took the plans away from Heidi. "Oh, poopshkin. I went to the evil bookstore and got you an inspirational poster." Heidi said, remembering something. "It's a little kitten! To remind you to always take time in your day for a little torture." "My transducer!" Glickenstein said as he saw Igor walking with the transducers. "Time to go I have no time for cocoa or kittens!" Urging Heidi to leave. "I have to work on my plans alone and in secret. In other words, bon voyage." "Who doesn't like tortured kittens?" Heidi asked no one in particular. "Great, Schadenfreude's gonna kill me." She said as she left.

"And why are there two transducers?" Glickenstein asked Igor as he looked at him angry. "Master," Igor slurred. "The 21- gigawatt might be somewhat safer, I think." "Think? Igors don't think." Glickenstein said angry as he threw the 21- gigawatt transducer at Igor's head. "I'm using the 16- gigawatt you fool! Now get over there and pull the switch!" Igor was hesitant to pull the switch. "What are you waiting for?" Said Glickenstein, running out of patience. "Yes, Master!" Igor said as he pulled the switch. The machine then started to have electricity surrounding it. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" Glickenstein said excitedly. He then started to laugh maniacally. "I told you the 16 would work you, Igor. Behold my rocket ship. Born to stream through the world, un eashing pain and misery on everyone." He said happily. "I named her after you, Mother." Then an alarm started to sound and Igor started to look worried. "Now to take the old cow for a test drive." Glickenstein said while reaching out and turning the wheel. "No, Master! The rocket is going to..." Igor tried to warn his master but it was too late. The machine had already exploded. "Uh... Yeah that."

"Finally. Now I can throw out that rug in the foyer. That thing is hideous." Scamper said. Igor just looked at him strangely. "We were all thinking it, I just said it." All of a sudden there was someone knocking at the door. "Oh, no, who's that? What am I gonna do?" Igor said worriedly. "Relax, this is Glickenstein's castle. And he doesn't have to open that door for anyone." Replied Scamper.

"Open for the King and Princess!" A royal guard replied from the other side of the door. "Except for the King and Estella."

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