4 - Estella Doesn't Want to be Evil

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King Malbert and Estella had arrived at the castle and King Malbert went to her room to have a talk with her. There Estella was standing in her bedroom next to her window while her father was just looking at her in disappointment.

"If this is the same talk as always I'm not listening." Said Estella. "Estella we have a reputation to keep. To be the most evil person and maintain our crown. Do you want to end up like your mother? Abandoned, lonely, unloved. Do you?" Malbert asked.

Whenever (Y/N)'s father ever mentioned her mother she would lose her temper. She didn't know her mother that well but always thought she was a good person. She believed that if her dad was evil, she must have been good because of her mother.

"I don't even know her. You never tell me anything about my mother except that she's hated and abandoned. How can I really know she was the person you describe her to be? Maybe she isn't bad but I'll never know?" Estella exclaimed.

"Just trust me. I want what's best for you and the kingdom." King Malbert was telling (Y/N). "Be the princess you have to be. Stop being nice. For the sake of our evil kingdom."

"Every time I try I still act like that. As always, I'll try but..." Estella started to say. "No buts. Just act evil." Malbert interrupted. "Alright." Estella said giving up.

"There's my evil little princess." He said while leaving. Estella sighed as she watched her father leave. " As hard as I try I can't be that girl he wants me to be." Estella said as she felt tears threatening to pour out of her eyes. 

"Oh and Estella..." Malbert said coming back. "Yes father?" asked Estella quickly wiping away the tears forming. "We are going to visit the other inventors today." "For what reason?" Estella asked. "For once I fear that if Shadenfreude wins again, he could take away my title as king. We have to make sure that doesn't happen and make sure another inventor wins." Malbert answered. "Does that also mean visiting Dr. Glickenstein?" Estella asked. "Did you not hear me?" Malbert replied. "Yes that includes Glickenstein, we are seeing all the inventors. So get ready, we leave first thing tomorrow." "Alright." Estella replied.

After her father left she finally let her tears pour, however was slowly stopping since she was going to visit the other inventors. Maybe, she thought, that her father would let her stay in Glickensteins castle, to stay with Igor. 

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