cherry blossoms arc (1)

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The beginning of the 4 trouble makers 

y/n pov

Jiji comes and takes us up to the mountain where he says we will be staying with mountain bandit. As Luffy keeps complaining i run ahead and get there right before Jiji and knock on the door as bandit that reminds me of a chicken opens the door when he looks around to see nobody he goes to close it only for him to stop as i say down here he blinks a couple of time than a woman who looks like man pushes by him to see what's going on " what are you doing at my doorstep brat" the man-woman asks i tell her that im staying with them she goes to scream how that's not happening as i push through her inside just as Jiji and nii-san come up, "I see you've met my granddaughter (y/n) already Dadan take care of her and grandson won't you" as they talk i come back out after dropping my stuff off in my room after asking a bandit a little taller than myself where my room is. as i get outside i see ace come out of the woods. go talk to him for him to completely ignore me since he doesn't want to talk i leave to go into the woods when he asks me where im going i don't reply and walk away to go find a good spot to train with my new devil fruit powers.

As i venture further into the forest i come across a clearing near a stream and begin training and so i train to control my body turning into different element and back to solid from dawn till dusk for a whole week till i can change my body from it solid form to air, lighting, earth, fire, ice only stopping to pass out for a couple of hours and go hunt the next week i train to control the element of water creating technique to use as offensive and defensive and week after that i focus on fire on my 5th day of working with fire as i get my ears ringing hearing so many noises i crumble to the ground in fetal position in pain i try to figure out what's happening and then think back to idea of haki more specifically  Kenbunshoku haki i concentrate enough to control and decide that later to go hunting ill train with by using it blindfold to catch my lunch and on the 7th day obtain Busoshoku haki and decide to train with my haki only for the next 2 weeks. After i finish my haki train on my 11th day a hear a strangle cry and use my haki to find a hurt tiger cautiously i get it to trust me then help the poor thing i decide the next day to take a break and go down to the town and check out the gray terminal.

As i get to the gray terminal the next day i hear them talk about ace after asking a little bit about it i find out that ace and another kid name sabo are quite the trouble makers in the gray terminal and even have bounties curious about the kid know as sabo and hearing how they steal from others i decide tomorrow i come back to try to meet the kid know as sabo but today ill steal from someone on street to get some books to read drop them off at Dadan then go check on the tiger cub then go back to Dadan and sleep there for once. 

After i get back from checking on the tiger i knock on the door Dadan answers the door and is about to closing mumbling about pranks and stupid brats when i say down here she looks down" where have you been?" she ask me " in the woods" i tell her simply " can i come in?" i ask her " uhh ... yeah sure kid" as i get in she stares at me as i walk to the room i open the door to see Luffy annoying ace and ace about to hurt Luffy i go to the both them and hit them on the head leaving steam and a bump on the head on the both them "what you do that for?!?!" they shout in unison only to look up and see me " i felt like it," i told them they stare me for moment then Luffy breaks into tears saying how he was worried and missed me  he cries for hours as i calm him down telling him i was out training  and i was sorry he eventually falls asleep exhausted from all the crying i look at ace for a little just staring at him with a blank face

 yeah sure kid" as i get in she stares at me as i walk to the room i open the door to see Luffy annoying ace and ace about to hurt Luffy i go to the both them and hit them on the head leaving steam and a bump on the head on the both them "what you...

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