Nakama Arc (1)

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at Impel down 

ace's pov

as I'm chained on the 6th level of impel down next to Jinbe start to prepare myself mentally for what's come knowing that more than likely I had a at least one of my younger sibling coming to rescue me along with pops putting them in danger because I was a hothead and got myself into a very bad situation because I wasn't cautioned enough if I survive I'm gonna get chewed out and an earful of lectures from multiple people. 

(y/n) gonna be pissed, I can only imagine how scary she's gonna be. I shiver at the thought of my angry little sister.

"Jinbe I'm sorry for getting you caught up in my mess." I say to Jinbe feeling regretful he tries to reassure me it's fine but I still feel like a douche.

Before too long after guards come down with the pirate empress in tow and she informs me my younger brother is on his way here to save me, which only worries. after a brief conversation between her and the guards, they head to Marinford my execution ground.

a few minutes after that guards come to get me to take me to the execution grounds, while Jinbe yells at them to stop, it's useless in end.

at marineford

Mihawk's pov

as everyone is getting ready for whitebeards arrival and the war that about to start. even though I know she'll be fine at the end of the day I can't help but worry a bit for my student. i mentally sigh knowing that displaying such a thing on the outside would be a brother.  I just hope she'll play things smart and not let her emotions get to her knowing it will end with her hurt.

somewhere within Mairneford

(y/n) pov

running through some corridors i head to a place i know has information that could help the revolution's cause. knowing there's still time before the war and not quite liking the idea even if my heart screams to just fight all of them and then grab ace making such an emotionally controlled action could be worse for the cause. i decide to play it safe and smart knowing i can do a whole lot more by playing it cautious and smart; than reckless and emotional.

once i get to the room i use my observation haki subtle not trying to make it obvious in case there's someone nearby who might be able to detect such a thing. once i see no one's inside and no one with a 12-mile radius is near me. i enter and transform back into a human and just as I'm about to look through and send information through the room I have a vision of how the war will go down. i quickly pull out my communicator and contact law first knowing how bad lu's condition will be and give him direction and what I need of him and where to go after. I then call Rayleigh-Jiji and tell him what I need him to do once he gets to the isle of women and that id like for him to train lu after this whole mess for at least two years and he agrees. i then contact shanks knowing that'll he won't be able to get here till the end but needing him to get ace's body. he asks why and tell him what I saw and that I need his help to help the others at the end. he agrees and has his crew get ready quickly and prepare, I then hang up and look through the files and send a bunch of information to the blue phoenix isles along with the plan for the next two years. i then put everything back into place and erase and sense of my presence of me from the room and then hiding a device that will allow me to monitor the room and set the connection up quickly and hides the presence of the device and then transform back to my cat form heading to master knowing that participating in the war anymore then I have as of now will be bad and decide to stick with my master until the end of it all.

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