Pirates are here!

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y/n pov~

I was helping Makino at the bar when luffy came in and right up to me

"(y/n)!(y/n)!(y/n)!(y/n)!" he screams at me while tugging at my arm as i help sweep up the floors.

i finally get fed up and ask " what is it luffy? can't you see im helping Makino right now."  he proceeds into telling me what got him more hyped than usual " i was at the docks talking to mayor and looking out for jiji* when i saw off into the distance a pirate ship." i look at him funny and like he grew 3 heads. I proceed into telling him" That's impossible Luffy any pirate knows that the windmill village is under jiji's territory and foolish pirates wouldn't come this way unless they have a death wish.  i think you've finally lost your mind. did jiji drop you too hard off the cliff last month" he starts to groan " imouto-chan i'm telling the truth come and see for yourself "

As i'm about to help he's a Baka* Makino comes out of the kitchen from the back" what's all this commotion about" she ask then she see luffy " hello luffy-kun are you hungry i can make you something" he looks at Makino for a second only to reply " There's no time Makino-san we have to get to docks to greet pirates" he then with proceeds into tugging at my arm hard and pulling me fast i drop the broom i was using to sweep in shock and once we're half to the docks i regain my sense and come out of my shocked state.

" Luffy-nii-chan!! you baka !!" i scream at him for manhandling me and as we arrive at the docks and he lets me go i hit him hard on the head leaving steam and bump on his head for manhandling.

All of the sudden i hear deep laughter and look at the docks to see a big pirate ship 4 pirates who look to be the strongest of the crew to be on the docks already 3 of which laughing my eyes widen to saucers" no way Luffy your either not delusion and a group pirates dumb enough and suicidal enough land on these docks or jiji threw both of us too hard off the cliff last month" their laughter suddenly stops and they looked at me weird. luffy finally recovers from my hit and goes up to the red haired man who wears a straw-hat who looks to be judging by appearance and vibe he gives off is the captain of the crew of pirates. 

He then screams at him asking million question a minute a majority being either absolute ridiculous or just plan dumb. the red headed man laughs and shakes his head then introduces himself as shanks along with his crew says he the captain of the read-hair pirates. Luffy looks to him in awe and wonder only to scream at him to let him join his crew. i look at my twin shaking my head at his antics. and mumble how he is going to get jiji fist of love and what not and then walk over and hit him again only to leave more steam and another bump. i straighten up then introduce myself and twin " hello shanks-san sorry about my idiot brother my names (y/n) and the boy he was screaming out to let him join your crew  is my older twin brother luffy it nice to meet you." i pause for a moment the ask something that been bothering me " shank-san do you have death or are suicidal or just dumb " i say with a deadpan face he looks at me and says neither and why i asked  i explain to him who my jiji was and that windmill village is under his protection as i explain this the mayor walks up to all of us and then scolds myself and luffy once he finishes the pirate captain says he not here to cause trouble for the village and only wishes to restock and stay docked for little to relax before going back out at sea. mayor looks at him skeptical but allows it

time skip~

it been some months since shanks and his crew have arrive at island they proceed to leaving any time jiji comes back briefly only to come back after he leaves . myself and luffy have developed bonds with shanks and his crew. while shanks has been here he's been screamed at by luffy to let him join his crew and while he has a bond with both us he defiantly closer to luffy.  while Benn his first mate is closer to myself and has even taught me a couple of things. luffy's latest attempt to join shanks crew after shanks came back from the sea was the bright idea of stabbing himself under his left eye which Makino finishes stitching up for him. As shanks proceeds into laughing luffy and tease him. while i go to sit beside him, he then looks at me " so (y/n) i heard you beat up some kids again" he gives me stern look to which i know he scolding me" the where bullying and hurting some younger kids" " then you go get an adult you don't go beat some 10 years into a pulp to the point their bloody and have broken bones" "tch. adults useless." i mumble under my breath he looks at me sadly he then goes back to listen to my animated twin he laughs then says" okay .okay. how about some orange juice luffy?" he brightens up and makino gets some for him only for shanks and his crew to laugh at him as makino ask if i want any i tell her no then scream at luffy to shut up. he looks at me frighten as i leak blood-lust. Shanks says " we should get some food into you before you end up killing poor luffy" as makino ask me what i want i tell her " (f/f) and sake" as i smirk both herself and shanks scolds me for my drink choice and then gives me water instead as i mumble how their no fun then go to help makino clean some dishes behind the counter once i finish i go back to reading about devil fruits  a book that caught my interest after i had finishes teaching the ten years a lesson fom a book shop that i ended up getting as i land on chapter filled with logia types one catches my eye that i hadn't seen while in my past life while watching the show called the soshi* soshi no mi that has the ability to control the elements i look at the picture while i sit on ground near the bar and shanks. as i eat my food that makino made for me as the pirates proceed to laugh at luffy when some ruffian came into the bar and ask for sake only to find there is none left and he says how he a famous mountain bandit worth 80 million berry and complain bitch all well in my personal space finally fed up proceed into tell him off only for him to try to threaten me done playing nice and in a bad mood after he ruins my meal i say "who gives a shit about you and your small dick pussy bitch self and how a your measly pussy 80 million shit bounty cause it so much" i continue to mock him spitefully getting angrier and angrier release blood-lust that makes him back away and leave not with still being a bitch after shanks offers him the last of sake as luffy still shakes from blood lust i give off as i go and see to boxes as i open them up i see the gom gomu no mi and soshi soshi no mi still hungry as luffy eats the gomu gomu no mi after i eat the soshi soshi no mi as the bandits finally leave luffy yells at shakes for not fighting as they all laugh then shanks try to talk him down only for his arm to stretch and them to fight out both of us ate the devil fruit me knowing what was saying how i was still hungry then shanks lifts us by the ankle to try to get us to spit it out only for luffy to stretch and shanks yelp after i turn into fire and drop me 

time skip~

i found out later that luffy had been kidnapped by the bandits and thrown in the ocean only for shanks to loose an arm and save luffy. i thank shanks as luffy gets scolded.  Later the next day shanks leaves as he then made a promise with luffy and gives luffy his hat to seal the promise. i sulk after seeing that he then comes up ask me whats wrong told him i wanted his hat he laughs at me " well i got something for i remember those rings you were looking at the other day " he then hand me the set of 3 rings in sliver, gold, rose gold along with a sword saying he thought i might like .

 i sulk after seeing that he then comes up ask me whats wrong told him i wanted his hat he laughs at me " well i got something for i remember those rings you were looking at the other day " he then hand me the set of 3 rings in sliver, gold, rose ...

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(what the rings look like just imagine 2 more in Gold, and Rose Gold)

(what the rings look like just imagine 2 more in Gold, and Rose Gold)

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(the sword)

we wave them off and goodbye as me and luffy cry goodbye sad to see them leave. we head back with makino when we could no longer see them knowing jiji will be back tomorrow for us.


jiji- japanesse term for grandfather

baka- a term meaning idiot

soshi- a term meaning element

some other terms/ honorifics

imouto - chan :  little sister

nii-san/chan: brother

nee-san/chan: sister

san: term to address other


im going to publish at least 2 more chapter today that will go through their time with ace, sabo and the mountain bandit 

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