dance of the demons

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                                                                     Widow POV

               i woke up hurting extremly. my lower hafe felt like it was brused and it almost hurt just to sit. everytime i had to sit on my tail bone i wimpered a little.

                "my lady i couldn't help but notice your discomfet. *smirk* is everything alright" i sheepishly nodded blushing. this made Claude smirk more. i looked at the meal before me. it was the classic breakfest. Bacon, eggs ( scrambled), with orange juice and toast.

                 "everything looks great. thank you" i said with a blush still on my cheeks. suddenly Maki slamed in.

            "Wiiiddooww how are you. did you have a good night" i blushed more. how did she find out i had a ......*blush* unusual night.

            "Different" maki shirked like she knew the greatest secret in the world.

           "great hay lets get away for the ol' perv and head into town Widow, we can go shoping. oooohhh and lets have a ball. it will give us a reason" smiling i nodded. a ball sounded nice. something to get my mind clear.

            "that...sounds ...nice" i said as i got up and told Timber to get the caradge ready. she smiled brightly and jumped up and down like a little girl who just got candy.

                                                         TIME SKIP * 2 HOURS LATER*

           we were at a lovely dress shop with  only black, red, blue, and purple. Maki found me a most perfect dress. it was black and purple with spider webs around the skirt and a spider stretched acrocc the chest area. Maki found a dress for herself as well. it was red and black. the skirt was red with black lace draped around it. the top was a red corest with black lace on the edges on tyes.

                                                   TIME SKIP TO 3 HOURS LATER.

         After a few hours of shoping for other thing we headed back to the house. as we entered Claude smirked. i say why. the entire room was decorated. and their was a big sign that read " HAPPY BIRTHDAY WIDOW TRANCY" I almost cryed. they had done this for me. for my birthday. i even forgot my birthday.

          "thank you everyone i appreshiate the work you put into this."

        later that night Maki and her father along with foster kids came. they all looked formal and some giggles as thier "big sister" danced with the triplets. they kept saying things like "wonder when their ganna do it already" or "do you think their ganna have sex" some even said " i hope one of them marrys big sister." i wonder what "it" was and what was sex. it sure didn't sound pleasent. maybe ill ask claude later.

         "may i have this dance my lady." i heard claude say. smiling i nodded and took his hand.

         we danced danced until i was breathless. when we finished the entire selibration had ended and we were the only ones left in the room. Claude smirked and picked me up bridale style. he took me back to my room and started to undress me until i w as compleatly nude.

          shivering i blushed and asked claude to help me warm up. he smirked and nodded.

cliffhanger muahahahhaah

Maki: hay guys sorry i havent updated in a while. i was super swamped with homework and boyfriend thing ya know tipical teenage stuff

Dai: so basicly we have had a hard time geting the time.

Maki: i hope i can get enought money to get enough money to by my own laptop but right now im on my rents

 Both: so we're sorry but our updates will be geting slower until maki gets her new laptop.


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