the mark

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                                                                                MAKI POV

              i woke from my unconsciousness state. my whole body hurt like hell and i  know i've felt this enough times. as i looked around the room i noticed this wasn't my room. it was far to rich to be mine. the bed was twice the size my little mat was and the blankets were actually clean.

            i got out of the bed and saw my clothes were replaced with a purple skirt and whit top with purple ribbons on the collar and of the shoulder sleeves. i had bandages all over me so much that i looked like a mummy. i started to take them off and examine my body to see the damage. to my surprised and relief the wounds had healed. sighing in relief i thought thank you fast healing from dads side. i took all the bandages and folded them up.

                i walked out of the room and heard some.....unusual sounds.

           "Claude not there. ow stop it that hurts."

              "my Lady please try to beer it a while longer."

            "but i don't care if it's not proper i don't want to"

               "my lady it's necessary to . even if  it hurts try to bear threw it. you'll get used to it covering you vaginal soon i promise."

                "get it off please claude"

                    i stormed in and saw Claude with his hands up Widow's blue school girl looking skirt.

                     "YOU PERVERT" i yelled grabing dai and storming out of the room, leaving Claude dumb founded.

                 i took Widow all the way to the other side of the Mansion before she pulled her hand away.

            "maki why are you up and out of bed your hurt. and why did you stop Claude. he was only puting underwear on me. i hate those things their so uncomfortable" she said glaring at nothing.

                "underwear? but i wear those everyday why don't you?" she turned blood red and figited with her skirt.

               "un well um can you keep a secret..."

             "ya i have lods of secrets ill tell you one of mine so that you feel yours is secure and if i tell you can tell on me k" she nodded and breathed in.

               "i have a contract mark in my.....spacial..area" she said with a blush on her cheeks that could rival mine and dads hair by a mile.

              "now you tell me yours" she demanded.

            "ok but you really cant tell.*breathed in* I'm part shinigami on my dads side" i said while smiling. she sweat drooped.

              "how can i be sure this is true" she smirked.and a blade appeared out of thin air. it was a scythe. i then smiled at her and went to her side.

            "now i showed you my little dirty secret now show me your" i demeaned, she pulled me in to her study and blushed hard, she sat down on a bed and she lifted up her skirt, she spread her legs just a tad, when she did that  i saw a little yellow contract mark right above her clit, but slightly on it. and laughed a little, and i was a tad bit freaked out due to her age.

              "wow haha, that special area, also i was just kiding, by the way why were you whereing a school girl outfit" she blushed and sighed.

                  "i was in the middle of class when Claude came to get me. i had to at least try to put those accursed things on." i nodded and laughed.

                 "wow Widow soooo why am i in this'

                 "because you didn't fight into my dresses and that was all that actually looked nice on you" i nodded then blushed.

              "please tell me that Pervert of a butler didn't change me did he" she laughed nad shook her head.

               "no hannah did" i sighed then laughed.

             "well dad must be worried sick i should ge.."


            "drat thought i lost him" dear ol' dad ran in and pulled me into a  squishing hug as Widow attempted not to laugh.

                 "dad im fine see no blood no fowl. and no you cant draw blood to "beautify" you scythe" he drooped me. he had mums blood and he wanted mine to go with it.

              "o who's your little friend dear" he said puting a hand on his hip. got my dads so girly.

             "this is Widow" Claude walked in and Dad got hearts in his eyes

             "and who's this handsome young demon" he said as he glomped poor Claude's leg. sigh maybe i should have warned him about my dad being gay or as he says he's not gay he's a women. my comeback is usually them what about mum. then he says he was experimenting back then. which leads to me throwing a vase at his head for calling me and experiment.

          "sorry my dads a little gay"

          " I'm not gay I'm a lady!"

        "do we have to go over this again. dad i mean seriously sigh whatever fine. sorry for got to say mum has a wener and likes men. better" he nodded yes and i sighed. suddenly Widow burst out laughing.

            this continued until my and "mum" left for home.

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