Daily life full of spiders

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                                                                             Third pov

          Widow and her butler where in the study. she was writing the accursed thing called paperwork. with a deep sigh the butler excused him self to check on how the chores were coming. but in really he had a plan. it was his goal to get his mistress to at least be content with spiders. a goal that would be achieved by the end of this contract.

                                                                                            PLAN 1

                       he had the staff start with the preparations and get the spiders ready. now all he needed to do was get his mistress outside.

          "my lady would you like to go outside. you've been cooped up in this office all day i believe it is bad for your health." daidrian sighed and nodded. she needed an excuse to get away from this torcher anyway. i mean seriously for a torcher device instead of using a pendulum just use paperwork and it will work twice as well.

           "that sound like a good idea Claude." Widow said as she left for the garden, after she left Claude smirked evily, suddenly there was a scream.

                                                             WITH WIDOW

        she walked outside and sat on a bench. it was so nice out. a crawly feeling on her skirt made  widow snap out of her thoughts. looking down she nearly drooped dead. there on her skirt was none other than a little black spider the size of a thumb nail.

          "e-e-eEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPP!" she screamed as she shook the spider off and  and stomped on the thing before running for the nearest door.

                                                                        BACK WITH CLAUDE

         Claude ran out of the manor to see his mistress run past him and slam the door of the study. nooo that was my brother in-law thought Claude as he picked up the spider's corpse and put him somewhere safe. the mistress locked her self in the study until it was past evening snack time. only then did she unlock the door. by then Claude had thought of a new plan.

                                                                                   PLAN 2

           he got Widow to go into town so they could set up. while Claude and Widow were in town  they went dress shopping and grocery shopping which was plenty of time.

             Claude left his mistress to put the food away his mistress went into the den. there in the middle of the room were about 150 different type of spiders. this made Widow faint and grow so pale she was actualy white. Claude walked in and sweat drooped.

          "my lady are you alright."

            "spa-spa-SPIDERS!!!!!!!!!!!!" Widow screamed as she ran and locked the study door...again.

                                                        WITH WIDOW

          after a deep sigh after locking the door to the study,Widow walked to the desk and she saw little daddy long legs on the desk, she fainting, she woke up two hours later and the spider, was now on her chest staring at her, she started freaking out and trying to get it off but instead of falling off is crawled on her hand. she paled and tried screaming only to have  nothing come out. about 5 minutes of freaking out later.

          Widow had Finlay calmed down and had the daddy long leggs on her head when Claude walked in. he paled in fear of what Widow would do if she found out the little spider was on her head.

           "hello Claude may i help you"

             "ya *ahem* yes my lady dinner in served." she nodded and went to to the table. Claude fallowed and decided to get the spider off her when she was getting changed.

             "Claude could you get the spider off my head now? I don't want him falling into my dinner" the question made Claude look dumbfounded.

              "my lady you-you knew it was there"

               "of coarse i did. he's my friend" the servants join in in the surprised looks.

           "bu-but my lady yo-you hate spiders. whats with the sudden change" Hannah asked

               "i decided not all spiders are that bad."

               after dinner Claude helped his mistress change and go to bed. he then waited till the house was quite before he did his victory dance.

              "victory even if it is a small victory" he said before going on with his duty's.

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