The blamed angel

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                                               pro-log, the death of a beautiful angel.          

     "wh-why would you do this to me? I was loyal, i gave you what you wanted...was that not enough for you, my lord?" A girl with once white wings, had chains going through the piercings on the wings, and slash woundsso deep the bleeding would not stop, the girl was against the walls with shackles griped around her wrists, it was so tight blood was pouring from the wrists to her arms, her shirt and bra was fully off and riped apart by the servant siting next to a man with a whip, he had a evil smirk on his face and looked like he was enjoying ever second of her tears and screams.

                                                       "you, the demon of the heavens, needs to be clensed from me, god has given me a request to send you to hell, where you belong demon!' the man smirk grew wider and he whipped her on the back, blood was pouring from her 19 slashes and her once beautiful white wings, pearced and from each end of the wing and rope tied through the wings, but it wasn't rope, it was shackles, the grips of the shackles was so tight on the wings, it was bleeding as well like her wrists

                                                      "I was not a demon, i was a girl, a angel, for what reason was pulled down from the heavens to live again, for my death was not meant to be, the person who i cared for, had to suffer through my death. God knows where he is now, but im sure as hell, god gave me to you, to serve you as a maid, and now this is what i get, everything i done for you?! I am not a demo-" be for she could finish her speech, the man pierced a sword through her heart, tears streamed and so did the blood, the angel took her last breath, and said one last thing be for she died.

                                                     "for i am Widow, remember well that i served you right, and i was not a demon.." her eyes closed and one last tear fell, a few moments later, she had died, the man laughed and smiled, he left the body there to decay.

                                                       Widow was floating for some reason with a blanket covering her un clothed body, spiderwebs were around her, but she noticed that she wasnt in the living world anymore, she was in purgatory, the world between heavin and hell. 

                                       "where am i?..." she whispered to her self and saw a spider, not a small one, a huge one, about as large as her whole body, it looked disgusting for she had a fear of spiders, she sweated abit and begain to get nervouse. But then the strangest thing happend.

                            " ah, i see you fear spiders, but dont worry,  wont hurt you as long as you pay attention to me, my dear lady, i have a contract for you, since you are a soul with bad misfortions, deaths,  i saw it all, you were not ment to die." the spider had spoke, a male voice she had heard, Daidrian only looked at the spider, and nodded, she listened to this contract and after words, she looked up to the non clouded sky, she smiled and looked at him again.

                                           "I agree, but what is the price for when this contract is done?" she looked at him with serious eyes, her blackish brownish hair shined on the light. 

                                              "for the pice is to give me your soul, but since you had two misfortions, i shall make you a deal, if i serve you as a butler, after, you shall become my wife, a contract mark will be put somewhere on your body, so we can find eachother when we part, but only you can decide where the mark is..."

                                                   Widow agreed to the contract and a light shined apon everything, it was blinding so no one can see, after that, what happend to her, Widow, the blamed angel, the only word she said befor the light is, "make me like like that boy in my dreams, but not to much like him, make me young, so i can redo my life, his name was cie-." thats all she said befor she desolved in the light.

                                                   One morning a girl next to her butler was standing in front of the mirror,  she was about as tall to her butlers stomach, she looked up at him and giggled abit cus she knew she was short, her short, blackish brownish hair gleemed in the light, she had the right eye green, and the left eye yellow, she brushed her bangs so it covered the yellow one, because she considered it as a sin to have two eye  diffrent colors, or it made her look like a freak, she put on a blue victorian gown, it was blue, black and slightly purple, the neck band was purple ruffles while the neck line was black, she had a bow on that was yellow, the shirt was blue with black ruffles, the skirt was black that had white spider webs on in, the butler choose it out for her, he adjusted his glasses and smiled abit as he put a braclet on her, her "lucky braclet". 

          "Are you ready for todays meeting, my lady, today will be the meeting with the candy industry, like you wanted" he said with a serouse look on his face, she looked at him and smiled, Widow nodded and he opened the door and hend out his hand, she took it and they both went down stares, thats where her new life begain.

(note: youll find out more about Widow in the  chapter 2, this is just a prolog, :P hope you enjoy! 1st chapter is gona be makis job xD YES, I  DAI WROTE THIS, enjoy c:)

(message from Dai: hello people and fans that are reading this, please comment on our storys, it be awesome, also ill be changing up my characters names abit due to, well, miss use of Dai or somthing, please coment and vote, also help up abit. thanks!!!) 

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