the meeting

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  • Dedicated kay Daidrian Siereveld

                                                                    WIDOW POV

          me and Claude were heading into town. i was to get fited for a dress and get Ciel a gift. claude and me walked threw the square when i saw a flash of red. it was a girl about my age. she was dancing as others threw money into a purple hat. the girl had a flute out and was blowing the most beautiful music. she danced to it as if she was the music. i was memorized until Claude snaped me out of it.

            "my Lady why don't you go compliment her if you like her music so much" i glared and sighed. i knew i loved the song but how could i just go and talk to her. i was a noble and she was obviusly a gypsy of some sort. her bangles gingled as she danced adding to the rithum or her music.

            "i will do so after she is done. first i need to get the itomes off the list." it was then a drum sounded off. another person had joined the girl. it was a boy about ten and he looked like a regular comoner boy. he was smiling as the girl danced.

           others soon joined and soon it was an intire band playing along with the girl. some even danced as she did.

        i left and rent to retruve the itomes. when i returned she was gone. i never got to tell her that i liked her song.

     i returned the next day and as before she was there but the band was gone. now she sang a song and the other people claped when she was done.

             i walked up to her with Claude as she picked up some change that had fallen out of the hat.

          "you girl what is your name. i am her Lady Widow trancy." the girl smirked and stood up her hands on her hips.

        "sup im Maki Sutcliff. its nice to meet ya" she said with unprober gramer. i noticed her clothes were different from the other day today they were red dress with an orange scarff. and bangles. her hair was in a ponytail and tin coins hung over her bangs.

        we were total opposits with my black and blue victioian dress. the skirt was blue with black spider webs decirating it. the top part was a spider with the legs covering my boobs and a corest tool onthe stomack. the back round was black and the spider was blue. the ribion was black. my hair was in two bun pig tails and a blue ribbion in it.

           she was so cheerful and i was so depressing. i had my head down and saw her face looking under me.

              "did you want something Widow-chan" she asked as if we were old friends. i chuckled at her childish antics.

           "oh um yes. i wanted to tell you that i heard you flute yesterday and i loved it. it was beautiful." she blushed .

         "thank you. i love it when people tell me there thoughts on it. it gives me some intell on what i can do. haha"

              "MAKI-CHAAAAN TIME TO GO HOOOOME" a transfestite with red hair yelled. by the looks of it Claude didn't like him.

           "oh looks like dads calling . got to go widow-chan. hope to see ya again" she yelled as she ran away.

                                                                         the next day

             today Claude and me were to pick up my dresses. ofcourse i stoped to see if my new friend was performing and as expected she was but it was a shocking song. it was about being betrayed. suddenly the scotlen yard surounded her.

           "Makashi aka the gypsy Terror. you are to come with us. your terror of theavery is to end now." the chef yelled as he walked up to her. maki glared at him them smirked.

          "o realy. AHAHAHAH i think not." suddenly she threw down a smoke bomb. when it cleared she was gone only her laughter could be heard through out the square.

              "try to find me now yard. AHAHAHAHAH THIS IS FUN COME AND PLAY. COME FIND ME TEHE." she yelled Claude looked in a certen derection. i looked and there she was yelling into a tube. if you fallowed there openings all around the square. clever i thought ask i nudged Claude not to look. he nodded and a flash of red was seen along with a string. it hoped around everywhere.

               then the red flash stoped and apeared right where she used to be. Maki pulled the string and all the yard officers tombled over.

             "AHAHAHAH WOW YA GUYS not the smartest things are ya" she said as she ran away.

                                                                   a few hours latter.

            i was walking out in my garden when i saw a flash of red. it was the same flash as in the square and only one person dose that.

               my hunch was right i turned the corner and there on the ground was Maki. she was a bloody mess. her clothes were in compleat ruin. and her pony tail had fallen out. the only thing that wasn't ruined was her smile.

           "oh ha-hey Widow-chan so this is where ya live. hahaha. sorry for inturding." she laughed. she tryed to stand up but failed miserbly.

             "Maki what happened to you? why are you all bloody? i asked as she proped her self up with a stick

                "o nothing a little snicking some dodging bullets the usual" she said as if it were the casualist thing in the world. she smiled but sqeaked as her stick broke and she started to fall. i caught her and saw she was uncontius.

                "Claude get the first aid kit" i yelled as i attempted to get maki inside. he nodded and ran to get it.

              i set her in a guest bed room when Claude walked in. he had hannah with him.

            "i have Hannah to undress her and check her." i nodded and went on with my buisness.

kuroshitsuji- Death puppets. (discontinued)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon