Knight Fox vs. High Councillor Superman

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"Did you and Wallace really think the both of you could sneak into my Fortress, take Conner out of The Phantom Zone, and expect to get away with this, Beaumont?" asked Superman as he crossed his arms, glaring at the three young heroes.  "I thought it was a little too easy," observed Flash as he shrugged a little. "The name is Knight Fox, Superman! The Reign of the Regime ends today! Everyone you've killed will be avenged!" Kevin defiantly shouted. Superman laughed incredulously, "You are as foolish and stubborn as your father, Knight Fox. I will have order!" Flash looked at Knight Fox and asked, "Got a Plan B, Knight Fox?" He nodded and said, "Get Conner to the Medical Bay, and tell Batgirl to get to the chopper! I'll pull a Johnny Cage as a distraction." Knight Fox then leapt up and punched Superman straight in the crotch, causing the Man of Steel to yell in pain and hold his groin, gritting his teeth. Flash then grabbed Conner and quickly ran out of England. Superman glared at Knight Fox and growled, "That was a cheap dirty move, Beaumont!"

"Like I said Clark, you're one to talk," quipped Knight Fox, "you played unfairly the minute you dragged me into this fight. You sent my brother to try and kill me. Only made sense to play just as unfair as you." Superman grabbed Knight Fox and said, "Well then, let's go to the Fortress. A deal's a deal." Superman then quickly flew Kevin from the temple to the Fortress of Solitude, and they were face to face, drones holding cameras so that the world could watch this epic battle. "Before we start this fight," began Superman, "I'm going to give you one last opportunity, Beaumont. Kneel before me, and you will live. Refuse, and we fight to the death." Knight Fox laughed incredulously, "I only kneel before God, his son Christ, and Mother Mary. You think yourself a hero, but you have taken away the people's freedom, claiming to bring peace and order to this world, but my father damn well knows the truth.  You're like every other conquering dictator I've read in the history books, and your tragedy doesn't justify jackshit! So I will die standing before I kneel before a tyrant!" Superman's eyes glowed red with heat as he said, "You have chosen death. So be it." He then struck with his laser heat vision, but Knight Fox used his shield to protect himself from the blast, the heat reflecting and hitting Superman in the head, making him growl in pain. Knight Fox then punched Superman in the face, making him bleed. "Fun fact," stated Knight Fox, "This armor is enchanted, and I know you're allergic to magic. This armor triples my speed, stamina, and strength, even without the Green Pill. But with the latter, times the triple by two, and you get this!" He kicked Superman back hard. "Then I guess that means you can take a beating!" Superman retorted, punching Kevin in the face, but because of the enchanted armor, it was the equivalent to punching a hard unbreakable metal for Superman. Knight Fox then unsheathed Kurtzberg, and Superman asked incredulously, "A sword? Against me?" 

"A sword. Against you," replied Knight Fox as he used Kurtzberg to slash Superman across the face, causing Superman to bleed. He groaned, "That felt like..."

"Kryptonite?" Knight Fox asked, smirking. "Fun fact. In the early 14th century, an alien stole a mineral from your planet. It contained elements of magic. We called it Silver Kryptonite. So yeah, Kurtzberg is made from Silver Kryptonite." Superman wiped some blood from his slashed face, chuckled, and said, "Heh... Well played..." He tried to punch Kevin again, but Knight Fox used his shield to defend himself from the heavy blow.  And this went on for a few minutes. Every time Superman tried to use his heat vision, super freeze breath, punch, and kick, Kevin would use his shield to defend himself, and fought back. He would kick, punch, and slash with Kurtzberg, refusing to hold back. The two foes were relentless against each other, fighting dirty. This went on for 10 minutes, and these were the longest, most important 10 minutes of Kevin's life. Knight Fox then stabbed Superman straight in the gut, impaling him. He then took the sword out of Superman's impaled guts, and Superman fell to his knees, gripping his fatal wound in pain. Batgirl ran in and said, "Knight Fox! Stop!"

"Don't worry, I wasn't gonna kill him," said Knight Fox. "Big mistake!" Superman snapped, but then Knight Fox kicked him in the nose, knocking him down. He then put his foot on the bloody Superman's neck. "He'll live," he stated, "open the portal, and get the rest of the Titans out of there." Batgirl then hacked into The Phantom Zone portal, and had it opened up. She stuck her head in and shouted, "Tim! Kori! Cass! The portal's open! Get out of there!" She got out, and a few seconds later, Tim in his Red Robin outfit, Starfire, and Cassie in her Wonder Girl outfit, all got out of The Phantom Zone. "Kev? Babs, are you walking again?" Tim asked. Kevin then lifted the defeated Superman from the ground, and then threw him into The Phantom Zone portal. "Shut it down! Now!" Knight Fox shouted, readying his shield should Superman or any other rogue Kryptonian from The Phantom Zone retaliate with their heat vision. Batgirl then shut down The Phantom Zone portal, trapping Superman in The Phantom Zone forever. Billions of people watched, seeing that it was finally over. Knight Fox and Batgirl sighed in relief. He smiled at his girlfriend and exhaustingly said, "I need a vacation..."

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