Slip Up

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The next morning, Kevin and Barbara were still sleeping in bed. Kevin was the first to wake up, slowly opening his eyes. He noticed Barbara was still sleeping in his arms. She looked peaceful and content. Kevin gently combed her red hair around her ear. Barbara slowly woke up, yawning. She looked up, her eyes half open. "Morning Kev," she said. "Morning yourself beautiful," replied Kevin, and he gently kissed her on the lips. Barbara giggled and said, "ready for some breakfast?"

"Oh definitely," replied Kevin as he lifted up the blankets. The two of them got out of bed, and Barbara guided Kevin to the kitchen area. They noticed that Andrea was eating near a table, and when she eyed the couple she said, "morning you two. There's cereal in the pantry." Barbara nodded and said, "Thanks Miss Beaumont." Andrea smiled and said, "please; you can call me Andrea. What happened last night?" Kevin blushed and said, "nothing too much... I mean, Barbara and I slept together, and we're in a relationship, so... where's Dad?" Andrea chuckled at the fact that her son was trying to dodge a subject he wasn't comfortable with, and said, "he's out training. You know your father's morning routine. But I'm sure he'd be pleased to know that you and Barbara are dating. You are like a daughter to him, Babs." Kevin and Barbara smiled at each other as Kevin picked up two personal boxes of specific cereals. Kevin was just relieved that his mom wasn't teasing him about the idea of grandchildren right now. Kevin poured his cereal into a bowl, and poured milk on it, Barbara doing the same. "Any coffee?" Kevin asked as they ate their cereal. "I think there's only enough for one cup," said Andrea, much to the chagrin of Kevin and Barbara. "I'm letting you have the last cup of coffee Babs," chuckled Kevin, having seen the coffee withdrawals of Tim and Barbara. "Wise decision Kev," teased Barbara, "but don't worry, I'll make it up to you. I'll buy you your next cup of coffee."

"But for now, your cup of coffee at the coffee shop is on me," stated Andrea as she gave Kevin a $100 bill. "Mom, you don't have to do this," protested Kevin. "We have limited resources right now," reasoned Andrea, "please, take it." Kevin smiled and said, "Thanks Mom." Kevin then cleaned up, taking a shower and shaving, and then he got dressed, and wore a tan trench coat, a fedora, and those Groucho Marx glasses with the funny nose and fake mustache with the bushy eyebrows, trying to be incognito. He had his shield underneath his coat, and walked around Gotham City, noticing how different it was thanks to the changes of the Regime. He got himself a chocolate latte, and looked around drinking his coffee. He looked at the video store, and noticed a DVD of Supernatural, with season 9 currently. "They have 9 seasons?" Kevin thought in shock, hoping that Barbara had found a way to save all these episodes onto a thumb drive. "We have a lot of binge-watching to do. I wonder if it's available on Netflix?" Kevin thought. Suddenly, a familiar voice that Kevin hoped he wouldn't have to hear for awhile asked incredulously, "did you really think that a disguise like that could fool me, Beaumont?" Kevin knew going out incognito was a big risk, and it sadly didn't pay off as he turned around to see the High Councilor Superman himself. He was up in the air, his eyes glowing red, his arms crossed, but you could still see his symbol.

"You're one to talk Clark," taunted Kevin, "your disguise was a pair of glasses and some silly business suit. I'm surprised no one found out who you were sooner. And now you've traded it for a pair of red jockstraps." Superman growled and lifted Kevin from the ground, his fists grabbing hold of Kevin's trenchcoat. His glare was glowing red with heat, threatening to singe. "I've been waiting for you to slip up Kevin," said Superman. "Gee Clark, I didn't know you cared that much," teased Kevin, then he ripped his own trenchcoat using his legs to get off, and landed on his own two feet, shield in hand. "You should have died," said Superman. "Well I am my father's son. Too stubborn to die," quipped Kevin. Superman smirked and said, "of course you are. You know this war's going nowhere. Your father's Insurgency will die, and I will have order!"

"Yeah you say order, but I think you mean the other thing, High Councillor," said Kevin, "by the way, I'm not happy with the fact that you destroyed my car. Most of all... nobody hits my mother and gets away with it!" His glare was like his father. "Are you challenging me, Beaumont?" Superman threatened. "I know you got several skeletons in your closet Clark," said Kevin, "specifically four in the Phantom Zone." Superman laughed and said, "you talk tough. I'm tempted to kill you for real this time. But I've thought of something better. Public humiliation. I know I've taken a lot from you and your family. You want vengeance so bad? Then fight me." Kevin muttered to himself, "why does this situation remind me of a dated 80's movie? Can't put my finger on the title though..." Superman then went up in Kevin's face and threatened, "fist fight, you and me. Fortress of Solitude. 24 hours from now. And it's not a request!" Superman turned his back and threatened, "and if you chicken out, I will destroy everything you love!" He then flew off, leaving Kevin to contemplate on what to do in this one-sided battle.

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