July 28th, 2012 (Some Time Around Year 4)

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It had been a rough four years for Andrea since Kevin died. It broke her heart telling Bruce that their son was dead because of Superman. It had been more rough for Bruce since he and his Insurgency were now fugitives of the law thanks to Superman and his Regime that had overthrown the government. And now Bruce's identity as Batman was exposed. More and more heroes that opposed Superman kept on dying. Andrea had consumed herself in her work because of the grief. It was honestly easier said than done for her.

Today was July 28th 2012, what would have been Kevin's 25th birthday. Andrea was in her best dress with a cake that had chocolate covered strawberries. A few minutes later, Zatanna Zatara magically appeared. "You must be Bruce's friend, right?" Andrea assumed. "Yeah. Zatanna Zatara, Mistress of Magic, atyourservice. Is that a cake with chocolate-covered strawberries?" Zatanna asked curiously. "Yeah," chuckled Andrea. "You ready?" The Mistress of Magic asked. "As I'll ever be," admitted Andrea. Zatanna raised her wand and said, "Ekat su ot eht Teckop Noisnemid!" Suddenly, Andrea and Zatanna (and the birthday cake) disappeared from Andrea's living room. They soon found themselves inside a bar. This was a special type of bar. It was a bar that existed only in the Pocket Dimension as Zatanna had said backwards, and magic users like her and John Constantine mostly used it. Andrea look around, trying to see if Bruce was there. She soon saw him waving at her at a table. He wasn't in his Batman suit, wearing more casual yet nice clothes, looking more clean. Andrea walked on over to the table Bruce was sitting at, set the cake on the table, and then hugged Bruce. "Thank you for coming," said Bruce as he gently stroked Andrea's face. "I wouldn't miss it for you. Did you shave?" Andrea asked as they sat down. "Wanted to look nice for what could have been Kevin's birthday," said Bruce, "the Pocket Dimension is the only way we can celebrate in peace without Superman trying to hurt us. Is that a cake with chocolate covered strawberries?"

"It was Kevin's favorite cake, plus it was the last birthday cake he had," acknowledged Andrea. "I remember Alfred made it for him," said Bruce, "I took the liberty of ordering your favorite wine. It should be here soon." Andrea smiled and said, "you shouldn't have, Bruce." A waiter then came in with two wine glasses and Andrea's favorite red wine. Bruce then poured the wine for the both of them in their separate glasses. Bruce raised his glass and said, "For Kevin." Andrea raised her glass and said, "I miss him so much." The two slowly sipped the wine, savoring the taste. "I miss him too Andrea," said Bruce as he looked on sadly. Andrea opened the cake, got out a candle and lit it, letting the flame burn for a while. There was silence for Kevin. The flame soon died out, and Andrea cut the cake into several slices. She gave Bruce a slice, and a slice for herself. "How're Alfred and Barbara holding up?" Andrea asked. "They're alright," said Bruce, "Barbara misses Kevin the most. It broke her heart knowing that she never got to tell Kevin how she felt about him, especially after the last text he gave her." He ate some of the cake. "I can understand," said Andrea, "Kevin told me she's such a sweet girl. They would have made a cute couple."  The two sighed, silently eating the cake. Suddenly, someone said, "you know... something doesn't add up." Bruce and Andrea cocked their heads to see who said that, and found it was Dick Grayson in his Deadman form.

" Bruce and Andrea cocked their heads to see who said that, and found it was Dick Grayson in his Deadman form

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In The Pocket Dimension, the Deadman could be seen and heard. "Andrea, you remember my other son, Dick Grayson?" Bruce asked. "Oh yeah, Kevin told me about you. You and Barbara really brought out the best in him. It's nice to meet you, despite the circumstances," said Andrea as she smiled. "Nice to meet you too Miss Beaumont. Kevin really brought out the best in me too. And I definitely remember him making a birthday cake for me," said Dick as he smiled. "What did you mean when you said something doesn't add up, Dick?" Bruce asked. "I've been to the afterlife guys," said Dick, "I saw my parents there. If Kevin really was dead, I would have seen him in the afterlife. I haven't." Andrea raised an eyebrow and asked, "you're meaning to tell us that our son could be alive?" Dick shrugged and said, "he might be... I can neither confirm nor deny."

"Was he imprisoned somewhere, like Themyscira?" Bruce asked. "Nah, that's unlikely," said Dick, "I looked everywhere on Earth. He could be imprisoned somewhere on a different planet or different dimension entirely. But I promise, I'm going to continue looking, and when I find him, I'll bring Kevin back to you two." Bruce gave a respectful nod and said, "Thank you Dick. That means a lot to us. You and Kevin are the best sons I could ever ask for." Dick smiled, and then disappeared. "Care for another drink?" Andrea offered. "Oh definitely," agreed Bruce as he refilled the wine glasses, and they raised them. "For Kevin, and the hope that one day he'll return to us," proposed Andrea. Bruce nodded and said, "hear, hear."

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