Funeral For The Titans

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The next day, Garfield and Bart's funeral was held. Kevin lived up to his promise as pallbearer of the funeral, wearing a black suit and tie. The other pallbearers were Dick, his girlfriend Kori (AKA Starfire), Victor (AKA Cyborg), Tim, Roy (AKA Red Arrow/Speedy), and Cassandra (AKA Wonder Girl). Other attendants were other Teen Titans in their super suits. Barbara even showed up, for Tim. Barbara sat next to Kevin, holding his hand. Eulogies were given. Raven gave a tearful eulogy for Garfield. She knew Garfield loved her, and was saddened that he died so young. During the funeral, Kevin looked around, and saw Conner Kent, AKA Superboy, was absent from the funeral. He whispered to Barbara, "where's Conner?" Barbara shrugged, unsure. Kevin could understand why Conner didn't want to attend. Garfield did die in Conner's arms, which would be traumatizing for anyone. The funeral was very somber.

Afterwards, Kevin helped carry one of the coffins, being a pallbearer and all. He helped put the coffin in the hearse. Tim looked at Kevin and said, "Thanks for helping out, Kevin. It really means a lot to us that you and Barbara came." Kevin nodded and said, "no problem Tim. It was the least we could do. If you or Conner ever need someone to talk to, we're here for you." Barbara hugged Tim in a comforting manner. Meanwhile, Superman was on live television, revealing that he was Clark Kent to the world. He was demanding a worldwide ceasefire. And if no one was willing to stop any hostilities, Clark would do it himself. A rather unrealistic expectation. The Titans then attended to where Garfield and Bart were buried. Kevin looked down sadly. After the two fallen Titans were buried with honors, a reception was held for them. And Kevin of course made a vegan pizza, because he knew that Garfield was a vegan and loved his vegan pizzas. Everyone liked the pizzas. Everyone made small talk during the funeral. "I miss your old mask Tim," said Barbara. "Why's that Babs?" Tim asked curiously. "Because it made it easier for me to tussle your hair," chuckled Barbara. Kevin laughed with her. "When are you two gonna go out?" teased Tim, referring to Kevin and Babs. The two blushed, and Kevin awkwardly drank his water. "Come on Tim, they're just friends," defended Dick. "The closest to going out we do is Supernatural night," said Barbara, relieved at the fact that Dick defended her and Kevin. "You looking forward to season 4 of Supernatural?" Kevin asked. "Oh definitely," said Barbara as she smiled at Kevin, "you and Dick better be there during the fourth season premiere." Kevin smirked and said, "we wouldn't miss it for the world." A toast was then held for Garfield and Bart. Everyone respectfully rose their glasses in honor of them, and then drank. Despite the looming threat of a worldwide ceasefire from Superman, it was a rather bittersweet day for Kevin and Barbara.

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