Phantom Zone Heist

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Kevin and Barbara got back to the Insurgency base, and told everyone what happened regarding his confrontation with Damian. "It's quite obvious Clark isn't going to play fair here," concluded Kevin, "so I'd say it only seems fair that we even the playing field." Bruce looked at his son and asked, "how do we do that?"

"Before Clark blasted me back to 1313, I assumed he was going to put me in the Phantom Zone," explained Kevin,  "he told me that if he put all of us in The Phantom Zone, you would start to get suspicious, Dad. And he stated that he put Tim, Kori, Conner, and Cass in there." Bruce and Barbara gasped in surprise, and Barbara said, "so that's why we didn't see them at Dick's funeral!" Kevin nodded and continued, "according to Dick, Superman punched Conner in the chest so hard, it broke his ribs. One of Conner's broken ribs has punctured his heart. The Phantom Zone is literally the only thing that is keeping him alive."

"Do we replace Conner's punctured heart with Big Blue's heart?" Harley suggested. "Whoa no, that's a little extreme..." Kevin protested. "Little extreme he sez..." muttered Harley as she pouted. "J'onn, can you link my mind to everyone else's? I want everyone to see my memories," instructed Kevin. Martian Manhunter nodded and psychically linked Kevin's mind with everyone else, giving them a visual perspective of Kevin's memories. "Some of you know I went into a temple in 1313 AD England that held the Holy Grail itself, and drank from the Water of Wisdom," explained Kevin as the psychic link showed the visual representation of what the temple looked like, "both of these contain properties that can heal mortal wounds and help regain lost memories. Wally, you willing to run there?" Wally nodded and was gone in less than a second, and less than one second later, he came back. "I saw the temple in England," said Wally, "it's still there."

"Good. Our main priority is getting the remaining Titans out of The Phantom Zone," said Kevin. "You planning on something like a heist?" Andrea asked. "Something along those lines," said Kevin, "Barbara, do you think you can hack into The Phantom Zone projector and have it opened up?" Barbara nodded and said, "I don't think I can. I know I can." Kevin smiled and said, "alright, Wally and I will run all the way to the Fortress of Solitude and get Conner out of The Phantom Zone. Once he's out of The Phantom Zone, Wally will take the two of us to the Temple of the Holy Grail in England. Hopefully the guardian of the Holy Grail will be willing to let me use the Holy Grail to save Connor. If and/or when we succeed, we'll take Conner to the medical bay here, and get the rest of the Titans out of The Phantom Zone." Batman nodded and said, "Sounds like a plan. It would be wise if you suit up. You never know."

"No argument there. Guess I'll need a codename. Call me Knight Fox then," said Kevin. He then got his medieval suit of armor on, and Barbara walked in before he put on his helmet. "You and Wally are going to need this," she stated, giving Kevin an ear piece communicator. Kevin put it on and said, "Thanks. I really hope this works, because if it doesn't, I don't know what I'm going to do." Barbara gently stroked Kevin's face and said, "I have faith that it will. And if you do succeed, best part will be that I'll get to see your face." Kevin and Barbara then kissed each other on the lips, holding each other tenderly. Barbara then put on Kevin's helmet for him and said, "now go save The Titans, Knight Fox. I love you." Knight Fox smiled and said, "I love you too Barbara." Kevin then hugged his parents goodbye, and Andrea said, "be safe out there. I love you son." She kissed him on the forehead. Bruce nodded and said, "no matter what happens Kevin, we're proud of you." Kevin then ingested The Green Pill should anything go wrong. (You would probably be familiar with The Green Pill if you've played the video game and read the tie-in comics, so I'll try not to force too much exposition.) Wally, in a new Flash suit, (let's say it's his Rebirth Flash costume) had his arm around Kevin's side and said, "alright, let's do this!" And that's when Flash and Knight Fox ran out of the Insurgency base, and one minute later, they were in The Fortress of Solitude, which was thankfully empty. "It's quiet in here," said Flash, "too quiet." Knight Fox said on his earpiece communicator, "Knight Fox to Batgirl, Flash and I have made it to The Fortress of Solitude. Have you managed to hack into The Phantom Zone projector?"

"Batgirl to Knight Fox," she responded on the radio, "I have. Wally, once you've gotten Conner out of The Phantom Zone, I'm going to close the portal, and you need to take Conner and Kevin to the temple." Flash nodded and said, "sure thing B. Here we go." Flash then quickly ran into The Phantom Zone portal, and then got out with Conner in his arms. As The Phantom Zone portal closed, Wally also grabbed Kevin, and he carried the two of them all while running to the Temple of the Holy Grail in England. They were soon inside the temple, at the center of the seal. "Wally? Kevin? Is that you?" Conner asked, then he coughed out blood, struggling to breathe. "Stay here, I'll be back." Knight Fox said, and he quickly walked in, noticing that the saw blade that was there no longer worked, much to his relief. Kevin then quickly sprinted through the invisible bridge, and once he made it, he went inside the shrine of the ancient Guardian of the Holy Grail. He was alive, but looked more frail and 700 years older. Kevin humbly took off his helmet and kneeled before him. "Guardian of the Grail, I humble myself before thee," stated Kevin.

"Kevin Adam Beaumont," said the Guardian, "thou hath not ageth in centuries. And thou looketh like a true knight." Kevin chuckled and said, "Well, technically I was from the future. The spell that was cast to send me back could only send me back seven centuries." The Ancient Guardian nodded and said, "ah, yes. When thou reacheth under 900 years, look as good thou shall not. How can I help thee?" Kevin looked at the Guardian and stated, "I don't have time to explain,  but I have someone who's a mutual friend of my late best friend. He's mortally wounded. His ribs are broken, and one of his broken ribs has punctured his heart, killing him from the inside. The only way to save him is with the Water of Wisdom and the Holy Grail. I humbly ask thy permission to let me use these to save his life." The Guardian nodded and said, "thou must knoweth that life is fleeting for mortals, and inevitable death is. But thou seeketh me for a selfless act, and to save thy brethren. Thou hast thy permission to use the Holy Grail and The Water of Wisdom." Kevin smiled and said, "thank you, Guardian of the Holy Grail." Kevin then stood up and found the wooden chalice, and poured an appropriate amount of the life-saving water, and he then ran out, carefully crossing the invisible bridge, and then came back to Wally and Conner. The Kryptonian human hybrid's condition was worsening as he kept on coughing out more blood. "Dude, I told Babs that we made it to the temple and she closed The Phantom Zone portal, but I got a bad feeling that Conner's not going to make it," said Wally. "Drink this Conner," said Kevin as he gave Conner the Holy Grail, and Conner drank from the life-saving liquid. Conner's ribs then healed, and his heart was no longer punctured, and he was able to breathe properly again. "I... I can breathe again..." Conner said with relief, "and my heart is beating like normal... You and Wally saved my life, Kevin..." Flash smiled and said, "it really worked..." Kevin smiled and said, "That's because the Water of Wisdom and the Holy Grail helps regain lost memories and heals mortal wounds. Speaking of which, I better return this Holy Grail." Kevin then took the ancient wooden chalice, and went back to the Shrine of the Ancient Guardian, and placed it back where it was, all while giving respectful nods, and putting his helmet back on. Kevin went back and said on his earpiece communicator, "Knight Fox to Batgirl, Conner has drinken from the Holy Grail, his ribs are healed and so is his heart. We're going to take him to the medical bay in the Insurgency base, and once that's over with, we're going to rescue the rest of the Titans." Batgirl then said on the radio, "Roger that, Knight Fox." Conner then got back on his feet, standing up, and said, "so, I see you turned into a medieval knight, Kevin."

"Yeah, I just felt it was necessary," chuckled Kevin. "I thought you were done playing a superhero Wally," said Conner as he looked at his former teammate. "Dude, you're my friend," said Wally, "I'm going to be there in times of trouble, no matter what, superhero or not. I'm sorry I wasn't there before. We got a lot of catching up to do." Right as they exited the temple, a familiar voice said, "you're all not going anywhere!" And in flew in Superman, much to everyone's chagrin.

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