You Who I Call Brother

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After his threatening confrontation with High Councillor Superman, Kevin went back to the Insurgency base to tell everyone what happened. He didn't leave out a single detail, including the fight against Superman, and how long he had. "It kinda reminds me of that one movie... What was it called? Oh yeah, Three O'Clock High!" said Kevin, "man that film hasn't aged well..."

"Kevin Adam Beaumont, this is no time to joke!" scolded Bruce. "You can't do this! We can't lose you! Not again!" protested Barbara. "I'm sorry guys, I have no choice..." Kevin sadly sighed. "We all have a choice," said Andrea. "No, if I chicken out, Superman will kill all of you!" Kevin stated. Everyone looked down. "But don't worry guys, I got an advantage here," he assured them, "the armor that the Blacksmith, Zee's ancestor, and I made is enchanted. It triples my speed, strength, and stamina. And I have a magical sword made from Silver Kryptonite. We made this armor because I know dealing with Superman is inevitable." Harley smirked and said, "he's got ya guys there. One step ahead of ya. He clearly gets that from you, Bats." Kevin sighed and said, "the best I can do right now is to get ready." Barbara held his hand and said, "if this is going to be the last time you'll see us, it would be nice if we could spend time together." And that's what they did.

Kevin spent a decent amount of time with his parents and Barbara. He noticed a romantic spark between his parents, and it didn't take a detective to know that his parents reconciled. A family photo was taken of the three, and Barbara was also included in the photo, as Bruce considered her family also. Much later, Kevin and Barbara were at the Gotham Cemetery, visiting the graves of everyone who died. Jason, Dick, Barbara's father Jim, Helena, Renee, Kate, and of course Alfred. Kevin looked down sadly. Barbara sympathetically held his hand. "I never thought that my failed trip to Bellevue would be the last time I'd literally see them," lamented Kevin. Barbara nodded and said, "I know. Saying goodbye to Dad was the hardest." She shed a tear, which Kevin gently wiped away. "I never really had a grandfather," admitted Kevin, "Alfred was the closest I had to a grandfather." They both looked down sadly. Kevin smiled a little and said, "do you remember when I first met Lois?"

"You accidentally thought she was Andrea," recalled Barbara as she chuckled a little. "Her voice was so similar to Mom's," chuckled Kevin, "Lois knew it was an honest mistake, and we ended up laughing about it. That was a happy memory." Barbara smiled a little and said, "yeah, from a different time." They were ready to kiss again, when suddenly someone said behind them, "how sweet. I hate sweet!" Kevin and Barbara turned around to see who said that, and saw an 18 year old man wearing a familiar outfit.

 I hate sweet!" Kevin and Barbara turned around to see who said that, and saw an 18 year old man wearing a familiar outfit

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Barbara groaned. She knew who it was. It was Kevin's half-brother Damian, the new Nightwing. It took Kevin a few seconds to recognize his brother's face. He did look older. "Damian? Is that you?" Kevin asked. "Yeah it's me, you idiot!" Damian snapped. "Hey in my defense, I couldn't recognize you," said Kevin, "I mean, you got tall, and you got a mullet, and now you're Nightwing, kinda..." Damian glared at his half-brother. "What do you want Damian?!?!?!" Barbara demanded. "Put a sock in it Gordon," snapped Damian, "this is between me and Kevin! Clark told me you came back, you who I call brother."

"Well reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated," joked Kevin. "Well Superman says I get dibs on getting a piece of you," stated Damian as he smiled evilly. "Well, I wasn't expecting that," said Kevin, "we don't have to do this Damian. I don't want to fight you." Damian chuckled incredulously, "of course we do. Clark says you're fair game." Barbara tossed some spare escrima sticks to Kevin, which he turned into a staff. "Thanks," he said, "now it's a fair fight." Damian then lunged towards Kevin with his staff in hand, ready for the kill. He struck with his staff, but Kevin defended himself with his staff, gripping against him. "There are twenty ways I could kill you," said Damian, "I'm the best there is! What makes you think that you stand a chance?"

"First lesson in being the best is humility," said Kevin as he kicked Damian back. "Such a goody two-shoes! I always resented that about you Kevin!" Damian growled as he tried to hit him with an uppercut, which Kevin dodged. "Is that why you're wanting to kill me? Resentment? Sibling rivalry?" Kevin asked as he hit Damian with the staff. "It's more than just sibling rivalry, you who I call brother," snapped Damian, "I was never father's favorite son. You and Dick were his favorite!"

"That's not true," denied Kevin. "It is true, damn it!" Damian shouted, "He always favored you over me! And I always resented that!" He punched Kevin in the face. "Is that why you did nothing when Clark tricked Mom and Dad into thinking I was dead?" Kevin asked. "It felt good spiting Father," retorted Damian, "all the more to break him. Clark was more of a father to me than Bruce ever was." Kevin glared and said, "there's a lot you don't know about the man you call your father figure." Damian gave a confused look as he asked, "what are you talking about?!?!?" He used the staff to try and whack Kevin on the side, but Kevin dodged the attack. "Clark broke Zsasz out of Arkham on purpose," explained Kevin, and Damian got enraged. "No... You're lying... that's not true..." he growled, trying to kick his brother back. "Dick told me himself," confirmed Kevin, "he broke Zsasz out of prison and made him murder Alfred just to purposefully get a reaction out of you." Damian then screamed, "LIAR!!!" He lunged at Kevin with his staff, and Kevin used his staff to block him, struggling. "Look into my eyes Damian," reasoned Kevin, "you know that I would never lie to you. Zsasz was in cahoots with Superman, and you know it's the truth." Damian got so angry, he broke his own staff and screamed, "NO!!! I'M GONNA KILL YOU MYSELF, YOU BASTARD!!!"

Damian then thrashed around, missing Kevin at every turn, becoming sloppy and predictable for Kevin. This gave Kevin an advantage to hit Damian in every single pressure point in his body, weakening him and making the rest of his limbs go limp. Kevin then did a roundhouse kick into Damian's face, knocking him to the ground. Damian groaned in pain, a fresh bruise on his left cheek the size of Kevin's foot size. "Stay down..." Barbara said, glaring down at Damian. Kevin huffed and said, "if it gives you any closure Damian, I forgive you. Dick's death was an accident, and I want you to know, I don't hate you for that. Just know that I love you and I forgive you for what you did." Kevin turned his back and faced Barbara saying, "come on, we better get the hell out of Dodge."

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