Waiting To Be Picked Up

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Kevin went inside the library to wait for whomever would pick him up. He took off his helmet to give his hair some breathing room. He looked at the librarian and asked, "Pardon me, but would you be willing to let me read history books from the last 5 years?" The librarian nodded and said, "why certainly. It's the third shelf on your right. And that is a very realistic medieval Knight costume. Did you make it yourself?" Kevin smiled and said, "I got help from some friends. Thank you." What Kevin said was true from a certain point of view. Kevin went to the history shelf and found a book regarding the history of the world from 2008 to 2013. He then sat at a table in order to read the book, all the while putting down his shield and gauntlets. He found much to his chagrin that the power on his cell phone was dead, and that his driver's license, bank debit card, and state ID had all expired. He got them in 2005, and their expiration dates were all in 2011. Kevin then read what had happened the last five years. He learned of how Superman beame the High Councilor of his Regime. He learned how Superman exposed Bruce's identity as Batman, and which heroes died.  "Damn, a lot can happen in five years..." Kevin thought as he frowned. "Those aren't the only ones who died," said Dick as he appeared, "Dinah's in another dimension, so she's not dead. Superman purposefully broke Zsasz out of Arkham to kill Alfred, just to get a reaction out of Damian. He also killed Kate, Billy, and Lex." Kevin glared down and muttered, "Damn him..."

Much later, Barbara in her Batgirl suit flew all the way to London on her chopper, and in less than an hour, she got there, and parked outside the library. She got out of the chopper, and walked inside the library. She walked to the librarian and asked, "excuse me, have you seen a young man named Kevin Beaumont?" The librarian looked at Batgirl and asked, "did this Kevin have Caucasian skin, light brown hair, and blue eyes?" Batgirl nodded and said, "That's him." The librarian said, "the chap's in the History Section, third shelf on your left. He's wearing a very realistic medieval Knight costume with a bat symbol for a shield." Batgirl smiled and said, "much obliged." She excitedly walked to the history section and saw Kevin reading a history book. Her heart soared with happiness. She then said, "Kevin?" He put down his book, to look at the familiar voice. It was Barbara in a new Batgirl suit!

 It was Barbara in a new Batgirl suit!

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"Barbara?" Kevin asked in disbelief. Barbara looked at him, having not seen him in 5 years, noticing that it was like he hadn't aged less than a week. He stood up and walked to her asking, "is it really you?" Barbara gently touched his face. "It's me Kev," assured Babs. They then said in jovial unison, "you're alive!" They then hugged each other, tears of joy streaming from their faces. "You're walking again!" Kevin said in surprise as he looked at Barbara. "And you haven't aged at all... It's like you're still 21," chuckled Barbara. "You still look good for your age," complimented Kevin. Babs blushed and said, "oh you... Come on, I'm taking you home." Kevin nodded and said, "okay, give me a minute, I got to get my stuff back on." Kevin then put on his gauntlets, his helmet, and then he picked up his shield, ready to go. Batgirl then took Kevin's hand, and they walked out of the library, getting into the chopper. Batgirl then started the chopper, and it flew out of the library. "So... care to explain why you're dressed like a medieval knight?" Batgirl asked. Kevin smiled and said, "Well, it's kind of a funny story..."

Kevin then explained to Barbara how Superman blasted him with a ray that sent him to 1313, and how the side effects included amnesia. He also explained how the Holy Grail and the Water of Wisdom revived his memories, and how he outwitted an arrogant king, and how he befriended Zatanna's ancestor, and how the two of them along with the blacksmith created this enchanted armor. "Why were you sent here now instead of 2008?" Barbara asked. "I tried to get back there," explained Kevin, "but there wasn't a spell that can specifically send me back 695 years into the future, only seven centuries. Wasn't much I could do about that." Batgirl nodded and said, "I understand. We're just glad you're alive. But all this definitely reminds me of that Mark Twain story, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court." Kevin chuckled and said, "definitely. How are you walking again?"

"Lex Luthor helped with that," replied Batgirl. "That's good. I'm up to date with everything that happened," said Kevin, "I'm sorry to hear about who died." Batgirl nodded sadly. "This is off subject," said Kevin, "but... did you get that text from me 5 years ago?" Barbara smiled while looking at Kevin and said, "yeah, I did. It was very sweet of you Kev." Kevin blushed and smiled. A few minutes later, the chopper then went inside the garage at the Insurgency base in Gotham City. Once the chopper was parked, Kevin and Babs got out, the two of them taking off their masks. "Oh, and in case this answers your question..." Barbara said. She then kissed Kevin smack on the lips. He caressed her red hair, slowly closing his eyes, enjoying this kiss. Suddenly, there was an "ahem." Kevin and Barbara stopped to see who said that, and saw it was Harley in her Insurgency costume. "Harley?" Kevin asked. "Harleen," she corrected, "but you can call me Harley if ya want. So you're Batsy's other kid. You have his eyes."

"Don't worry she's one of the good guys now," assured Barbara, and Kevin was willing to accept this. "Your folks are in the main base," said Harley as she pointed to that area. Kevin and Barbara walked to there, holding hands. Kevin saw the base of operation, and at the center were his parents Bruce and Andrea sitting there. They both looked five years older, but Kevin could instantly recognize them. "Mom...? Dad...?" Kevin said, choking up. His parents looked to see their son, and they both said, "Kevin!" They ran to their son and hugged him tightly, tears of joy in their eyes. Kevin didn't hesitate to hug them back. Andrea kissed her son on the forehead constantly and sobbed, "my baby... I'm so glad you're alive." Kevin laughed, tearfully smiling at his mom. Bruce even managed to smile a little and said, "Welcome home, son."

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