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Heyy this is the epilogue!!!Kay! So don't forget to check out my book "Two Lives"! Okay!!

Levy's P.O.V.
(5 1/2 months later)

Everyone was healed and happy and the excitement that we had returned okay has died down. Every thing was as if it never happened, but I could remember every detail as if it just happened yesterday.

"Hey shrimp!" Gajeel said as he walked into the library.

"This is a library, your supposed to whisper," I whispered loudly as he walked to the table I was at, reading.

"Fine," he whispered as he came up behind the chair I was sitting on. He leaned over me and bent down to give me a kiss so I tilted my head and gave him the kiss.

"You wanna leave this place and go out to eat?" He asked with his hands on my shoulders as he still stood behind my seat.

I noticed that he was dressed a little better than usual and his hair was brushed back and wasn't as pointy looking.

'He actually planned this date' I thought to myself.

"Yeah, let me put this book up then we can go," I smiled as I got up and walked to one of the shelves. I didn't want to waste all of his planning, and I thought it would be a good idea to go on a date. I grabbed my jacket that was setting on the back of my chair.

"Okay, let's go," I said to him as we turned towards the door. He held out his elbow and I put my arm through and walked along with him out the door. The sun was already about to set so the sky was an orangish pink color.

I leaned my head onto his arm and looked up to him. "So where are we going?" I asked.

"It's a surprise," he chuckled as he patted my head with his free hand.

"Okay," I sighed and closed my eyes. Another smile decorated my lips. I had been smiling a lot since we came back from that mission which seems like forever ago.

In no time, Gajeel stopped in front of some fancy restaurant that I liked, but it was to expensive to go to. "Here we are," Gajeel said as he looked down to me.

"Are you sure?" I asked with shock. Usually when we went on a date we would go to some cheaper place.

I looked up at him with my surprised and confused expressing and all he did was chuckle. "Yeah, I'm sure, Shrimp,"

I nodded with a bright smile, "Well let's go in then!" And we did. When we entered the doors I felt out of place. Everyone there was wearing fancy clothes and jewelry, and all I was wearing were a pair of sandals, a headband, and a light purple dress. Gajeel didn't seem as fancy as them but not as casual as me either.

We walked up to where a lady was standing behind a register. "You must be Mr. and Mrs. Redfox," she said as she led us to a table for two.

When she said the 'Mrs. Redfox' part I looked up to Gajeel and gave him a weird look as to ask why she called me that. He just gave a small laugh at my confusion and continued to walk behind the lady.

When we got to a table near the back of the room by a window with a view of the setting sun. I stared out the window until a waitress came to see what we would like to drink. I got sweet tea and Gajeel got water. After we got our drinks we ordered our food. We looked on the menu for a couple minutes but ended up just getting the special dish of the day.

"This is nice," I sighed.

"Yeah, no salamander or ice princess," he said as he went from looking out the window to looking into my eyes. "Just us."

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