Chapter 4 - Nightmares (Part 2)

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This chapter, my sexy skittles, will be taking place at the same time as the last chapter did. So while Levy was doing whatever she was doing what you're about to read is what Gajeel was doing. Also I edited the last chapter so u should re read because you need to. yea lol I make no sense but neither will this (sorta) if u don't read the last chapter

Gajeel's P.O.V.

After a while of being bored at the guild Lily suggested that we go home and I agreed. I had to admit, listening to the guild wine all day was pretty annoying. We grabbed the job request paper on the way out and brought it with us. It was a 10 minute walk from the guild to my house so I decided to look over the paper again. One thing I didn't notice last time was that the place we has to go was really far away. That meant I had to be stuck with salamander, bunny girl, and the little brat Happy all the way there and back plus the time that we are there. I didn't mind Levy or Lily coming along because they weren't...... annoying.

By the time I got tired of thinking about tomorrow's job we were home. My home is a 1 story house that's has a kitchen, living room, 2 bedrooms, and 1 bathroom. Once we got inside we ate then Lily left to his room. It was about 7:32 so it was normal for Lily to go to his room around this time. He seemed to like his alone time..... a lot. I turned of the light, grabbed the remote and jumped on the couch ready to watch tv. Clicking the buttons, I scrolled through the channels looking for something decent that was on. After I found something worth my time I watched until I looked over to the coffee table and a looked at the clock that read 7:47. That wasn't as long as it seemed.

I noticed a book beside the clock which made me wonder, is reading really that interesting, I never really read unless it's a job request paper or something simple like that. Levy reads books all the time so they can't be that bad. I didn't bother reading the title and just skipped to the first page and started to read.

*a few minutes later*

What the heck is this? I had read the first two pages and it was the most boring thing on Earth. I didn't even get what was going on in the stupid thing. First it was about one thing then it was about another thing. I am NEVER reading a book again! How did the shrimp liked this stuff? I will never understand girls!

While putting the book back in it's original spot, still confused, I took a quick glance at the clock. It was 7:53. I was bored out of my mind from doing nothing. I stared at the clock counting the seconds until the next minute until it was 9:01. Then I was tired of doing that. Not knowing what else to do I decided that food sounded good. A midnight snack, well it wasn't midnight so it would actually be just a snack.

I hesitated but then slowly got up and trudged to the kitchen. I searched through my memory trying to find something good to eat that was left in the kitchen before I actually got there. I couldn't think of anything. I never payed attention to what our stock if food looked like because that was always Lily's job to cook and buy food.

By the time I made it to the cupboards I had thought of nothing to eat so that meant I had to search for something. I opened the cupboards and searched thoroughly through the shelves trying to find something worth eating. Hey, finally! I found some blueberry oatmeal which was worth eating.

I fixed up some of the oatmeal and strolled back into the dark living room. I sat back down on the couch, not bothering to turn on the light to spare my eyes the pain of the brightness, and slowly consumed the warm bowl of food I had prepared. I wonder what Levy is doing? Dang it! That question always creeps into my mind no matter what time of day it is. Ehh, she is probably sleeping. If I can't get the thoughts out of my mind there was no use ignoring them.

I stole another quick glance at the clock and it was just around 8. God, what am I going to do? I was no where near being tired and I had nothing on Earth to do! I could watch watch more tv. Nevermind about doing that because there was probably nothing good on. Screw that book, I am definitely not reading that again! Way too confusing! That left going to bed or... I could text someone.

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