Chapter 3 - Nightmares

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Heyy my little panda crackers! I added more too this chapter because I felt bad about ending it short. And I came up with the idea while writing the next chapter so I had to come and edit this chapter! but anyway I hope you enjoy! Don't forget to follow me or vote, comment, or share my book!!!

Levy's P.O.V..

I had already left the guild and headed home. I went ahead and did some research on where we were going, how much jewels we would get, and what we were doing. The job didn't seem too hard. We have to go to this mansion and defeat this demon. One of the things I noticed was that the mansion was big and for some reason had a labyrinth, or maze, surrounding it on all sides.

"I hope we don't get separated," and "what if we get lost?" Were the kind of thoughts that flooded my mind after I read reports on people getting lost and never found in the labyrinth or in the mansion.

Well Gajeel will be there, and so will Lily and Alex. Mostly Gajeel though. He won't let anything happen to me..... will he? Of course not, why would he join Fairy Tail if he didn't plan on protecting his guild mates. Or maybe he isn't use to caring or protecting others considering he was in a dark guild right before he joined our guild. Why am I worrying? He will protect me and I'm leaving it at that.

Later I finished packing for tomorrow's job I went to the bathroom to take a nice long, warm bath. It feels nice to relax every once in a while. Once I get out I will get dressed in my comfy pajamas and make me a nice bowl of oatmeal with blueberries. I thought I should treat myself to a night of pampering before the job tomorrow morning.

After finishing my delicious oatmeal I turned off the light and climbed into bed. I turned the lamp on the night stand by my bed and grabbed out a book from the drawer. I looked at the clock and it read 8:30. Right then my phone, that was on the charger, buzzed and the screen lit up.

1 message from Gajeel<3

Yeah I put his name with heart on it, get over it. Maybe I do like him. But when I saw that he sent me a text all the butterflies fluttered crazily inside my stomach. I jumped up and grabbed my phone. I opened and read the text.

Gajeel<3: Hey shrimp

You: Why do you call me that? I'm not that short. You're just really tall!

Gajeel<3: Ehh, I just like annoying the crap out of you! XD

You: Well you do a very good job at it!

Gajeel<3: Hehe

You: Whatever! Why did you text me anyway?

Gajeel<3: Uhh, I was bored?

We continued talking while I was smiling like an idiot and not going to tell him how happy he made me by simply just texting me. While waiting for him to reply I put the book back in the drawer. I didnt think I was going to need it because when I usually texted Gajeel we talked for a while. When we stop talking I will go to sleep, I told myself. After what seemed like a couple minutes of texting my phone beeped telling me that it was 10.

You: Good night! I'm going to go to bed now

I hesitated before sending the message. I wanted to tell him that I thought about him endlessly, all the time, everyday. That I got all nervous when I talked to him or was by him. That I looked at him when he wasn't looking because who wouldn't like a guy like him? But of course I didn't tell him any of those things because of the lack if self confidence.

Gajeel<3: Already? Oh it's 10.... I should probably go to bed too. Night shrimp ;)

After that, which made the butterflies fly even crazier, I plugged my phone back up and snuggled up int my blankets and pillows ready to fall asleep.

I looked around and saw that I was lying on the ground with chains and shackles around my ankles and wrists that were connected to the wall keeping me in one small area of the big, dimely lit room I was in. I looked at my self and saw that I had cuts and bruises all over my body, my clothes were torn up, and I had both fresh and dry blood where the cuts and gashes were on my arms and legs. There was a big metal door a couple yards infront of me with the only lit torch in the room beside it. I really don't like the dark even if it is only something a child should be afraid of. It brings up bad memories of when Gajeel nailed me to the tree.

Then I heard an evil laughter coming from the other side of the room. It sounded horrible like one of those laughs the villian makes in the movies. Then I heard nother voice come from the same are or room as the snickering. It was yelling and cursing very loudly at who ever was making the laughter. The laughing stopped and you could hear them fighting. You could tell some of their attacks missed the other because of the sound it made when it hit the wall. All I could hear was yelling, evil laughter, and sounds from the wall which made the whole room-being-dark thing even worse. I wanted to move, get up, yell, or something. I wanted to get out of that place! But no matter how hard I tried I could not move or speak, I was stuck to the ground, lifeless, not moving or making any sound. Everthing started to dim until I was in complete darkness.

I opened my eyes to find myself in my own bed. I checked over myself, no more cuts, bruises, or gashes. No more shackels or torn up clothes. What kind of dream, no nightmare, was that? Would it have something to do with the upcoming job we are doing today? Of course not! That would mke no sense because Gajeel would keep me safe, right? Yea.... I hope. Why am I worrying, he will. Look now I'm arguing with myself.

Pushing out any thoughts having to do with the stupid nightmare I looked over on my night stand where my clock was. It read 7:30. Crap! I had to be at the guild in 30 minutes. I quickly jumped out of bed and got dressed. I ran to the toaster and put two pieces of bread in it. Then I rushed to the bathroom to brush my hair and put my head band on. I raced out of the bathroom and grabbed my bag and the 2 pieces of toast before dashing out the door on my way to the guild.

Speed walking down the sidewalk, I saw Wendy so I looked at my watch and saw that it was 7:45 so I slowed down and walked next to her. I had plenty of time to get from here to the guild because it was only a 5 minute walk from Fairy Hills to the guild.

"Hey!" Wendy greeted me joyfully with a smile on her face. She always seemed so happy and cheerful.

Anyway, "good morning!" Is what I replied back to Wendy just as cheerful as she greeted me. She was even able make me happy even though I was about to be late on meeting up the others.

We kept chatting until we were at the guild which wasn't long, only a couple minutes. Once we walked in we separated to go to where we were needed, she want to Romeo, of course, and headed to where Gajeel and Alex were. I noticed Lucy, Natsu, and Happy joined them, waiting by the bar.

"Hey," I greeted the group that had been waiting for me. Natsu and Lucy were chatting while Happy was saying "he liiikes you!" Gajeel and Lily were sitting at the bar having a drink.

Lu-chan and Natsu had already been dating so they didn't get embarrassed from Happy, just annoyed. They had been together for about a month now. The other couples were Jellal and Erza and Mirajane and Lauxus.

"Took you long enough shrimp" Gajeel answered. He looked at me and we had our little moment of staring into each other's eyes.

We were interrupted by Happy floating in between us saying "he liiiiikes her!" Gajeel jerked his head to look where Happy was, he was obviously pissed because of that comment.

"You want to say that again, cat?" he angrily yelled at Happy. It's like he seemed offended by that comment. Like he didn't like me that way or didn't like me at all.

"Anyway," he continued bitterly, "Flame brain and Lucy decided they were going to join us on our job. they were ease dropping yesterday," he gave them an intense stare then turned back to me. "They heard that we decided to leave today so they packed last night to join us," he still sounded annoyed from Happy's statement.

"Yep!" Natsu said proud fully, "thanks to my awesome dragon hearing" he smiled brightly.

"So do you want to go now?" Lucy asked everybody. everybody replied "yes" so we left on our way. Did I mention the place we are going to is a long way away from the guild? Well it is. so we all got into the wagon that we got and headed out.

Sorry I accidentally updated so it isn't done. I am probably just going to make this chapter short and put the rest in the next chapter. I am sorry my little blueberry muffins

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