Chapter 6 - More Waiting

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Hello you sexy skittle! Enjoy chapter 6 of Not Just Friends! Cuz I really enjoyed writing it!

Levy's P.O.V.

I had told Gajeel that I had only sat with him up front because of the lack of space. That was a lie. I didn't want to be teased anymore than I already had about the conversation. The conversation that I had refused to let the others to know about. The conversation about Gajeel pulling me into a hug.

I tried to explain to the other girls that he was only doing that as an act of protecting me but they ignored that. They focused on bothering me about the fact that we hugged. I didn't feel like dealing with them right now so I sat up front with Gajeel.

"You alright, Shrimp?" Gajeel asked, giving me a questioning look. I had zoned out and stared off into the distance in front of us ever since we started on our way again after the crash. We had stopped at hotel because we wouldn't be able to make it to the place we needed to before dark. The drivers of the wagons needed rest too and build their magic energy back up.

I was already too fed up with the teasing and I didn't feel like arguing with Gajeel about calling me Shrimp.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I sighed as I took his hand that he offered to help me get off.

"OOOooh!" the other girls saw us 'hold hands'. I looked at them then blushed at the fact that I WAS indeed holding his hand and I was already off the wagon. I wasn't able to stop the small smile crept up my face. I looked down at my feet to avoid eye contact with Gajeel or the girls. I saw Gajeel look over at the girls before he have my hand a quick squeeze and let it go. In that moment in time I was the happy. Happy that he did that. Happy that he cared.

"It doesn't sound like it," this time his voice sounded more sincere. He was now standing in front of me with his hands on my shoulders. The others had already gotten their stuff and gone inside. I looked up into his eyes. Concern could easily be spotted in his eyes. That made me smile, the first real smile all day was because of him.

"I am tired of them. The girls that tease me. No, it's not only them. It's everybody," in that moment of time I opened up to him. The first person I had opened up to completely was Gajeel. "Everybody taunts me about liking you. They tease me, no us, constantly."

At this point I was in his arms once again and I was crying from stress from everything. "The teasing, the jobs, the expectations... just everything. It's just too much stress." Why am I so weak? Why am I crying? Why... am I me?

'Stupid Levy! if you want him to like you then you can't be weak in front of him!'

My subconscious was right, so took a step back and wiped my eyes. Why had I been so stupid to cry in his presence? "It doesn't matter. I'm fine," I kept my eyes down, avoiding eye contact, and fixed my dress.

I turned towards the entrance only to be stopped by a hand grabbing my wrist. I turned to face Gajeel's still concerned crimson eyes staring deeply into my hazel ones.

"I know that's not true," Gajeel seemed even more worried than earlier which it was eccentric for Gajeel's character to be worried.

I took a moment to stare into his eyes when I realized something: I love Gajeel. I had always ignored the feelings I got looking at him or being with him but I couldn't deny it any more. I love Gajeel.

"Iloveyou," I quickly but quietly whispered to him. 'Why am I talking him this?' He wasn't the type of person to like someone like me. Someone who reads books, is weak, and cries from stress.

"What?" He asked more curious and embarrassed this time. Dang it! I forgot he had his enhanced dragon hearing. That means he heard all three words I didn't want to him to hear. That means I am about to be rejected by the most important person to me in my life.

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