Chapter 15 - Night Time

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XD this chapter is way too long! Anyway enjoy chapter 25 - Night Time of Not Just Friends!!

Levy's P.O.V.

She pushed me into the fancy looking bedroom and slammed the door behind me. I looked around. Even though I was being kept against my own will, or as a prisoner, the room was nice. A dresser and a closet were next to each other on the opposite wall that the bed was on, so the back left corner. There was a king sized bed in the back right corner of the room that was already made. There was also a bathroom so I didn't have to leave this room unless they wanted me to.

I walked over to the dresser and closet and searched through them. Oddly enough, they already had clothes in them. After searching through everything I decided I probably wouldn't be messed with for the rest of the day so I chose something comfortable to wear. I pulled out a loose dark grey T-shirt from the closet and a pair of black sweat pants from the dresser.

I got other things I would need such as a bra, socks, and underwear then headed to the bathroom to take a shower to relax from everything that happened. Maybe a warm shower would help me think better.

I undressed and stepped into the shower. Warm water rushed out of the shower head and ran all over my body. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as I ran my fingers through my curly, wet blue hair. 'How does any of this make sense?' I mean, where the heck did I get the blue hair from if my mom had purple hair and my dad had black? And why did my dad seem sympathetic when I was being interrogated by his wife? I never did learn either of their names.

So many more questions relating to my 'family' ran through out my mind, but I shook my head, pushing all of them out. I finished washing my hair and body and turned off the water only to be greeted by a gust of cold air. I grabbed the towel and wrapped it around me, trying to conserve as much body heat as possible. I quickly got dressed and went back into the bedroom.

I jumped onto the bed and crawled under the blankets trying to reclaim the heat I had lost when I exited the shower. I laid on my back and stared at the all white ceiling. 'I wondered how the others are doing," I hope they are okay. I looked over to the window and saw the full moon shining bright over the forest. It looked beautiful. The stars all surrounded the moon as if they were admiring it and just wanted to get a better look; as if they were drawn to it.

This made me think of all the good stuff me and Gajeel did before this happened. I always turned to these comforting thoughts, along with the ones telling me everything will be okay, to cheer me up despite the current situation. My eyes became heavy and I yawned so I turned over on my side and closed my eyes. Unconsciousness took over and I went into sweet dreams land.

I was in my own comfortable pajamas in my living room sitting on the couch. Gajeel was there with a tank top and sweat pants on. I was in his lap and his arms were around my waist and his chin on my head while we shared a blanket. In my lap I held a bowl full of popcorn and in front of us the tv was playing a movie. My whole dream consisted of that: me and Gajeel being together again; being normal and not being prisoners of a crazy family. It was perfect. Everything from his appearance to the tiniest of details was perfect.

"Wake up," Someone whispered in a hush voice as they lightly shook me. Slowly, I opened my eyes to find my father. I took a quick glance out the window and it was still night. "Good, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for all of this," I looked back to his hazel eyes as he spoke.

I tilted my head in confusion. Wasn't he the one keeping me? Why is he apologizing? "What?"

"All this isn't my fault, it's their mother's," he sighed. "But I should have stopped her before it got this far," Our whole conversation consisted of whispers and hushed voices. "That's why all of these horrible things are happening to you,"

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