Chapter 19: Hermes' Hotel

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Gabriel and I had been walking for a little over three hours, taking a couple breaks for water and food as we went. By the end of the third hour, I felt like I was dead on my feet. Gabriel noticed and offered to stop but I turned him down, I wasn't going to slow us down or upset Gabriel's seemingly happy mood.

As we crossed what felt like a mountain, a giant marble structure came in view. "We're here, Donatella. This is Hermes' Hotel," Gabriel said.

'This doesn't look much like a hotel...maybe a storm shelter, but not a hotel.' "It's, um, very quaint," I said. 'Quaint' wasn't the word; the dilapidated build looked like it was going to fall in on itself any moment. The only saving grace was the marble, it was beautiful and as white as snow.

"You can say it; it looks like crap," Gabriel said, knocking three times on the door, "from the outside." Some unseen force opened the gigantic doors and granted us admittance to the hotel. I took Gabriel's hand and slowly walked into the building. As soon as the huge double-doors closed behind us, I saw why the place was called Hermes' Hotel, it was absolutely beautiful! The walls were painted in pure white with gold drapes. There were beautiful fountains all over the entryway to the hotel.

"Name please," said a voice at the reception desk. A bored looking redhead was sitting there, examining her horribly glued-on nails and clipping hang-nails.

Gabriel stepped up to the desk and spoke, "Gabriel Santario and one guest."

The redhead looked up from her fingers and gasped. "Oh my gods, you're Gabriel Santario! I never thought I'd see the day an actual god or demigod would walk through the doors and request a room!"

"Yes, yes," Gabriel leaned forward slightly to read her name badge, "Samantha, a room please."

Samantha collected herself quickly and slipped back into work mode. "Yes, of course. One bed," she said sneering at me, "or two?"

I stepped forward, thinking as I went. "Two beds, please."

Samantha typed some information into her computer with her press-on nails and handed Gabriel two golden keys cards. "I've got you set up in room 1618. Enjoy your stay here at Hermes' Hotel."

"Thank you, Samantha," Gabriel said, handing me a key card and leading me toward the silver doors that were the elevator doors. Gabriel and I boarded the elevator and hit the button for our floor. As the door slid closed, the awkward silence set in. Neither of us had time to try to speak, it seemed like as soon as the doors to the elevator closed, they were opening again to admit someone. Gabriel and I stood near each other in a corner to allow the other boarders and their suitcases room.

The elevator doors slid open to our floor. "This is us," I said, pushing forward through the people in the elevator. "Sorry, sorry, excuse me." I was bumping people with my huge backpack as I left. I heard Gabriel saying his apologies to various people too; he had twice as much to carry which meant twice as many people were getting hit. I got to our room door before Gabriel and passed the key card in front of the sensor under the doorknob and held the door open so Gabriel could come in too.

"I get the window," Gabriel said, pushing past me to dump his burdens on the bed.

'I guess I don't get a choice.' I closed the door, dropped my bag on the floor and flopped down on to the perfectly made bed. 'This bed is so soft, its been so long....'

"We have to go over some ground rules, Donatella," Gabriel said. I peeked open my eyes and rolled them at him. "This is for your safety, there will be people looking for us, mostly you."

I sat up from the ever so comfortable bed and stared Gabriel down. "Yes, master, continue," I said, rolling my eyes again.

Gabriel closed his eyes and exhaled slowly then continued, "First off, no leaving the hotel, anything you need is either in one of the bags or can be brought up by room service. No exceptions."

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