Chapter One: Part 2

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Have you ever been in that situation where you prayed for the love of God that it was just a dream? That when you pinched yourself you'd wake up and be safe and snug in bed?

This was not that moment.

I could hear him approaching the door as I took a few steps back. I was trying to be quiet but who was I kidding? If he hadn't found me in any of the rooms he had turned upside down, what was to say he wouldn't find me in the one place he practically death glared me to stay away from.

"Where the hell is she?!" He muttered in anger. My heart was beating twice as fast than usual. "Grace!"

His bedroom door swung open just as I crumpled to the floor and rested my head against the carpet. I curled my legs up to my chest and held back my trembling chuckles - they were still trying to erupt from my chest ever since I took him down. Now, you may think that it was a harsh move, but I don't take touching and rudeness lightly. I had been dreaming of that moment since he started picking on me in highschool.

I took a glimpse around when my eye caught on to something familiar.

'The moon is still shining and that means I still love you.'

It was a saying Sam's dad used to tell his previous wife - Sam's mother - before she had passed away. He had heard it when he was in a coma all those years ago. It intrigued me.

My mind was clouded by thought as a hand covered my mouth and an arm wrapped around my waist. I kicked my legs viciously in annoyance - being manhandled was not something I took lightly. "Stop it. You stupid bitch." He growled.

My screams were muffled until I licked the palm of his hand. His grip became loose as a sigh of disgust escaped his lips. "Put me down." I demanded.

"Over my dead body." He mumbled. He slung me over his shoulder and headed towards the door.

"That can be arranged." I smiled smugly. We made our way down the hall and entered my temporary home. He chucked me on top of the bed and glared at me with his piercing blue eyes.

"It is now 6am. You've wasted an hour with your stupid games. I have to get up in thirty minutes to go out and now I look like the dead walking." He spat. I examined him for a moment; his jawline was so sharp I was worried I'd slice my finger just from touching it. His dimples were always visible, especially when he smiled at me. Which didn't happen much - in fact the first time I had seen him smile my way was when he came downstairs.

He was far from the walking dead. He moved closer towards me and nealt on the bed. "What are you doing?" I yelped as his hands pressed my upper arms against the mattress. He leant down, his face inches from mine, and breathed against my neck. I felt tingles erupt inside my body that I hadn't felt before - this was new and even though I hated that I felt this towards him, I didn't want the feelings to stop.

He dipped his head lower, hovering inches away from my lips. "It's been a long time since I kissed those," he muttered. I held my breath as he brushed his thumb against my lower lip and smirked. I squeezed my eyes shut in anticipation before my body felt suddenly cold. The presence once heating my body had vanished. I was alone.

- An Hour Later -

I stumbled downstairs an hour prior to our unwelcomed encounter. I was annoyed that he had just left me there, completely flustered by his actions. I knew I should feel anything towards him but it was so hard not to hope he was the same guy he used to be. As I headed towards the kitchen the doorbell rang through the house, and I could see the faint reflections of two people stood peaking through the glass. I decided to ignore it - if I knew one thing for certain they were not here to see me. If they weren't here to see me, or Mr and Mrs Carter, they were here to see Jacob. I did not associate with his 'friends'.

I ran into the kitchen before they could get a glimpse of me and rummaged through the fridge. I was famished, the idea of a mouthwatering bacon sandwich was all my mind could process - and what luck, they had three packs! I knew Sam loved his bacon but 36 rashes? Damn he was a meat lover. Not that I could talk. I turned on the stove and greased up a pan with cooking oil, throwing two rashes in to sizzle before the doorbell went again.

Where the hell is Jacob? I thought in annoyance. I tiptoed into the hallway and peered round the corner. He was nowhere to be seen. I decided to take a stand now, even if I hated his friends and himself I couldn't just leave them out there to pester the poor doorbell anymore. "Hi," I greeted them as they walked inside. "I don't know where Jacob is, I-"

"Yeah yeah. We'll go get him." Olivia eyed me up and down. If there was one girl I hated so much that I'd burn in hell to see her cry, it was Olivia. She was a spoilt brat, a popular with a track record for slivering into guys beds like a snake. I mentally laughed to myself.

"Hey," Riley put his hand up and moved closer inside to shut the door. "I'm Riley."

"I know." I smiled slightly. He was a friendly guy, wrong crowd, and a bit snobby at times too. His blonde hair was stuck up with possibly heaps of gel, the faint smell of cologne invading my nostrils.

"Ah, doesn't everyone?" He laughed. "I smell bacon."

My eyes grew wide and I ran into the kitchen, grabbing hold of the pan and flipping over the crisped rashes. It didn't bother me that it was almost burnt on one side - crispiness is definitely the best policy for bacon. I stood with my hands on my hips as I tried to avoid being burnt by the spitting oil. "Could I have a slice?" Riley walked into the kitchen with his arms folded over his chest.

"Uh, sure thing." I tossed another two rashes into the pan and waited for them to cook until he told me that was how he liked them. I made us both a bacon sandwich each and devoured my first half. I was practically making orgasmic sounds towards it.

"You're funny, you know that?" He chuckled, taking my plate and loading up the dishwasher. I smiled at his gesture and nodded.

"I know, hilarious."

He moved towards me and sat on the stall to my right. It was odd to be talking to one of the 'popular' kids. If there was one thing I didn't quite understand, it was the fact he was being genuinely nice to me. "Well, I think I can hear Olivia or Jacob coming down the stairs so I'll be off. We're heading to my house for a party if you feel like tagging along."

I thought about it for a moment. A party at Riley's house - it sounded great. Apart from the fact Jacob and Olivia would be there. I wiped the corners of my mouth and stood up. I headed towards the stairs and waved at Riley. "I'll think about it." I mumbled and he grinned up at me.

Jacob nudged past me causing me to lose my balance. I could feel myself falling backwards as I reached for the banister, my arms flaying around awkwardly; this was it. The end of my miserable life. I sighed internally, I heard a scurry of feet just as a pair of arms wrapped around me. "Be careful."

I looked up at Jacob who groaned heavily. He brushed his free hand through his hair and looked down at Olivia and Riley. "I'll catch you up." He nodded at them as Riley practically dragged Olivia out of the door before she could protest. 

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