Chapter Three

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Jacob's P.O.V ~

She looked beautiful. The way her hair fell down her back softly, light curls bouncing as she walked. The way her body curved perfectly with the dress she had changed into. I breathed heavily as I walked forward, my arm pulling her against my chest.

When I saw her walking into the kitchen I had to hold her. Show the others they couldn't have her, couldn't touch her if that wasn't what she wanted. She had always been beautiful but tonight she looked like a model - the clothing showed it all.

"Jacob?" Grace clicked her fingers in front of my face a few times before I came back to reality. I smiled down at her - her cheeks were burning red. She looked adorable.

"Sorry." I mumbled. I released her and tilted my head to the side. "You look beautiful tonight. Uh not that you didn't before, it's just that, you know. You look nice." I began to blush myself now. For some reason I felt intimidated by her beauty - boys were practically drooling over her and that made me mad. Why was I mad?!

"Thanks?" She raised an eyebrow at me and chuckled.

I had to pull myself together. I couldn't have her thinking I liked her. But did I? I thought to myself. My eyes wandered over her body one last time before I decided to push the thoughts away. "I better find Olivia. Don't annoy anybody, and stay out of trouble." I huffed. "There's some more chocolate in the fridge if you aren't afraid of destroying that dress. Also some alcohol if you stop being boring." I turned on my heals and stalked out of the room.

"Jacob?" Olivia spoke out as I walked towards her. "Are you ok?" Like she cared. I huffed again and pulled her towards me.

"I just need some air." I planted my lips against hers before pulling her away. I couldn't feel a spark - nothing at all with her. I cared for her, don't get me wrong, but there was no connection. She eyed me suspiciously and tugged at my shirt as I tried to walk away.

"How much have you drank?"

I smiled to myself and let out a stifled laugh. "Not enough, I mean I can still see you." I placed my hand over my mouth and instantly regret what I said. Olivia's face turned cold, her hand coming up to my face and slapping me with force. She ran off towards the bathroom and slammed the door shut. Why are girls so damn sensitive? I rolled my eyes. I headed towards the kitchen again, trying to search for a beer, my head colliding with the door frame.

I let out another laugh. "Jacob are you ok?" A hand rested on my shoulder.

"Just having fun. Not caring about things." I leaned against the door frame with my arms crossed over my chest. "How about we go for a swim? There's a river just at the bottom of the garden, or better yet, how about we light up some fireworks?"

"I think it's time we got you home to bed." The blurry person eyed me up and down. "Are we staying here tonight still?" My vision finally blurred together and revealed a chocolate covered face - Grace!

"But I want to go to the river. Please." I pouted. I licked my finger and attacked her face with it, wiping away the chocolate in the process. She grimaced at me then stuck out her tongue.

"Fine. A quick walk there and back." She started heading towards the door. I followed in suit behind her as we headed down the stony pathway. After a few seconds of silence I took hold of her hand and entangled our fingers. She stole a quick glance at me before coming to a halt at the river bed. I placed my jacket on the floor and took a seat, pulling her down with me.

"It's so beautiful out here." She whispered. I lay back against the grass and pulled her toward me, her head against my chest as we stared up at the stars.

"Definitely." I mumbled. "But I kind of need to pee and really want my bed."

"You want to go home tonight?"

"If you're up for driving, my little chocoholic." I tangled her hair with my fingers and listened to her breathing slow down. She seemed to finally relax in my arms. I looked down at her and our eyes met. I could feel the tension building up inside of me. I wanted to kiss her as badly as her eyes demanded it.

So I dipped my head forward. Our gazes locked together as I began closing the distance.

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