Chapter 16

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She smiled across the table, her eyes beaming bright. I hadn't seen her this happy since that one time we went on holiday together and she met daisy duck.

"How're you feeling?" I grasped her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"Better. Still a little sore but better."

The waiter laid our food out on the table. "Would you like anything to drink?"

"I'll have a large glass of red wine please," she paused "make that two!"

"You're on antibiotics" I shook my head. "You shouldn't be having alcohol."

"Oh boo! I just want to numb it for a bit." She sulked. "Just one glass, please."

The waiter nodded.

My phone began to vibrate in my pocket. I decided to ignore it, knowing that today was just for the two of us.

It rang again.

And again.

I gave in the last time, answering and putting it up to my ear. "Yes?" I groaned.

"Jacob! Why weren't you answering?" My fathers voice was stern.

"Oh dad! Hi, sorry we are out having a meal together." I lipped 'I'll be back' to Grace and moved out onto the balcony, sliding the door shut behind me. "She's just started to get comfortable again."

"I see, well if your phone rings please check who's ringing before you ignore it. You had us in panic, the last time we saw you you were both injured."

"Sorry," I coughed.

"Now, I already know where you are, and I want the two of you to skip the food - or finish it if you must - and head up to the rooftop."

"What? Wh-" The phone went dead and I turned back towards the doors. Grace swigged her glass of wine, finishing it as quickly as it was arrived. I slid open the door and took my seat across from her.

"What was that about?"

"He wants us to head up to the roof once we've finished."

She nodded. I watched her as she ate, she was beautiful. The way she twirled her hair around her finger as she forked a piece of meat and pasta made my heart flutter.

"Ready?" She smiled.



The roof was lit red. One of my fathers helicopters rested against the landing pad a few inches away. We walked closer, Grace's father sat patiently in the front with the pilot.

"Dad!" She shouted with excitement, sliding open the door and pulling him into a hug. She winced under the pressure. "I've missed you so so much!"

"I've missed you too. Now, if I'm correct, I believe it's two peoples birthdays tomorrow!"

I laughed up at him. "And what do you and my parents have planned?"

"I guess you'll have to wait and see! Now, get in, we're heading to the airport."

We climbed into the back and placed our headphones over our ears.

"Lets go!"

Sorry it's not very long, I haven't been writing for a while. I'll try to get back on track!

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